Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Sperm Whale

The Sperm Whale is the largest of the toothed whales.

An adult can weigh 35,000 - 57,000 kgs, and can live 60-70 years.
The female has a gestation period of 16 months.

The Sperm Whales are known for their large heads that account for one-third of their body length.
There whales are 49-59 feet.
They have the largest brain of any creature known to have lived on Earth.

The Sperm Whale has been known to dive as deep as 3,280 feet to search for squid (to eat).
They can hold their breath for up to 90 minutes on such dives.

These toothed whales eat thousands of pounds of fish and squid, about one ton per day.
The Sperm Whale is often spotted in groups (pods) of some 15-20 whales.

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