Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The "Mini Rex"

The "Mini Rex"
The Mini Rex Rabbit is a domestic rabbit that was created in 1984 in Florida.

This breed usually weighs 3.5-4.5Ibs and is larger than many 'true' dwarf breeds.

They are always happy to have attention which makes them delightful companions and pets. This is a 'family-friendly' rabbit.
Again, depending on its care and diet, this rabbit can live up to 10 years.

These are calm and loving rabbits.

They are intelligent and affectionate and enjoy company. They are also quite active rabbits and can be boisterous and playful.

The Mini Rex Rabbit needs good food, and a safe, enriched environment in order to thrive.

Temperature changes of 15 degrees can kill this breed of rabbit.

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