Sunday, July 12, 2020

Animal Reiki


“Reiki is not a magical cure and is not an alternative to conventional veterinary care but it is a natural and calm therapy that promotes the body’s natural process of self-healing and is enjoyed by many animals.”

Animals are inherently more aware of and understanding of energy. They have used this understanding historically to determine if strangers are friend or foe and many naturally appear to be very accepting of this calm energy.

Reiki benefits animals with physical, mental and emotional issues and this Holistic Complementary Therapy also helps animals with behavioural problems that have an emotional basis or influence.


Like humans, animals also suffer from physical illnesses and health conditions. The animal may sustain an injury and/or require surgery. Like humans, they have aches and pains, as well as mental health and emotional issues, which can trigger behavioural problems.

Animal Reiki can help!

It is not an alternative to conventional veterinary care but it is a natural and calm therapy.


#   It is a ‘non-evasive’ therapy

#   It can be given anywhere at any time

#   This Complements and Supports conventional veterinary care

#   The animal is in control at all times. The animal will chose to take it.

#   It relaxes the animal, which is good for pre-op or pre-treatment

#   Reiki always works ‘for the animal’s highest good.’

The beauty of Reiki is that it treats the individual animal, who has its own personality and character.

          WHERE CAN I LEARN ANIMAL REIKI?                   

The Animal Reiki Store teaches how to apply Animal Reiki. This is an online home study course which you can do at your own pace and in your own time.

If you feel called to working with animals and love animals, have a look. Click on the link “The Animal ReikiStore” --- the website alone is worth looking at. It is a little expensive but the course is on 70% discount at the moment.

There are 20 Modules and a 90 page course Workbook. There is a ‘distant Reiki Master Attunement Ceremony’ and The Animal Reiki Master Teacher Certification. Bonus video vaults plus 11 PDF printouts, which includes Chakra worksheets and templates.


#    Greater Comfort

#   Improved feeling of wellbeing

#   Relaxation which can lead to sleep

#   Greater sense of self.

Yes, we are talking about animals. These loving and faithful companions we share our home with are little individual souls, who deserve the extra love, care and attention.

Animal Reiki will help each individual to cope with life and its challenges. Reiki is like an “Energy” that will only flow if the animal wishes it. This energy is gentle and can be given to animals and/or birds.


Animal Reiki complements and supports conventional veterinary services and in no way replaces it. This must always be remembered!!!

Those who practice Animal Reiki never diagnose (unless they are also a qualified vet).


I have never met a person who does not (at least) like animals. I remember my first kitten, black and white, and a gift from my parents. Her name was Sheba and she was my ‘baby.’ Sheba had to be put down at 5 years old because of cancer. How I wish I had heard of Animal Reiki back then, her passing would have been a lot more peaceful.

Which animal do you love?

                   LIVE AND LOVE LIFE!                   

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