As Busy As A Dolphin
“Stay busy. If you keep your mind right, it will keep your grind right”.
By staying physically busy, we are keeping ourselves mentally busy.
This leaves no room for negative thinking!
Of course, it is important to rest, giving our minds and our bodies time to ‘heal’.
And yet, even during rest, we can ‘keep busy’ by using our ‘downtime’ to build our minds up in a Positive way, which will have a very calming effect on us emotionally, which, in turn, helps us physically.
In this way, we will always be “in step” with the world around us.
Did you know ? => when a dolphin sleeps, only half of its brain shuts down. This is so that they never lose consciousness, otherwise they would drown, because a dolphin needs to breathe, and their breathing is ‘consciously controlled’.
Dolphins are even ‘busy’ when they sleep!