Sunday, February 25, 2024

As Busy As A Dolphin

 As Busy As A Dolphin

“Stay busy. If you keep your mind right, it will keep your grind right”.

By staying physically busy, we are keeping ourselves mentally busy.

This leaves no room for negative thinking!

Of course, it is important to rest, giving our minds and our bodies time to ‘heal’.

And yet, even during rest, we can ‘keep busy’ by using our ‘downtime’ to build our minds up in a Positive way, which will have a very calming effect on us emotionally, which, in turn, helps us physically.

In this way, we will always be “in step” with the world around us.

Did you know ? => when a dolphin sleeps, only half of its brain shuts down. This is so that they never lose consciousness, otherwise they would drown, because a dolphin needs to breathe, and their breathing is ‘consciously controlled’.

Dolphins are even ‘busy’ when they sleep!


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Positive Attracts Positive

 Positive Attracts Positive

“It takes the same energy to worry as it does to be positive. Use your energy to think positive, and positive things will happen”.

We are what we attract.

Think Positive and you will attract Positive things, giving you a Positive life.

Use your time and energy ‘producing’ a Positive, Strong and Happy frame of mind.

Why worry when sometimes you can’t do anything about the problem anyway. Far better to use that energy in your mind to build yourself up, both mentally and physically.

Meditation is an excellent way to use your ‘energy’ to build a Positive mind, and to build Positive energy.

Meditation: “gives you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit your emotional well-being and your overall health”.

This is worth putting your energy into.


Friday, February 23, 2024

Look What You Have Accomplished

 Look What You Have Accomplished

“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else”.

A good way to ‘deal’ with depression is to go out and help someone.

Your mind is taken off of your own problems because you are so busy thinking about and helping the other person. Then, sometimes, when you are alone and thinking about your ‘problems’, they don’t seem quite so big or bad.

Think about how you feel when you have helped someone, a friend or a loved one. You feel ‘Elated’ and you feel as if you have accomplished something good in your life: “I did that!”

This way, also, you are making some good and happy memories, putting some really nice ‘scenes’ in your mind’s eye.

When you see the other person smiling and hearing them thank you — you know you’ve done the right thing.

Help yourself by helping someone else.


Thursday, February 22, 2024

Build It Up

 Build It Up

“There is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it”.

It can be frightening.

We may not be used to being ‘in the light’, maybe in the center, and we may lack the Confidence to ‘be in the light’.

What does it mean=> ‘to be in the light’?

Basically, this can mean to be the Positive and the Happy person in the room.

To be always Smiling (no matter how we personally feel), and Cheerful.

It doesn’t necessarily mean to always be the center of attention, but to be known as ‘the cheerful one’.

And people do like to be with Happy and Positive friends, because it makes them feel Good, and quite simply, helps them through the day.

So, we need to Build up our own Confidence.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

What Do "I" Allow?

 What Do “I” Allow?

“There is nothing in this world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts”.

It comes back to what you and I ‘allow’ ourselves to think about.

The mind is one of the few parts of our bodies that we can Control, and yet few of us do or even know how to.

What we take into our minds, through our eyes and ears, affects what we think about — Positive or negative.

If we keep on watching ‘drama’ and being in the middle of ‘trouble’, our minds will always be troubled.

If we listen to and watch Positive programs, even ‘fun’ shows, our minds will be ‘happy’ and we will start to want to always be in the middle of Happy people.

Then, hopefully, our thoughts will not trouble us but will be Positive and Strong.


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Make A Happy Memory

 Make A Happy Memory

“You can’t start the next chapter if you keep rereading the last”.

Mmm, this can be a difficult one.

We all have past experiences which we wish we’d never gone through, whether of our own doing or not, the ‘pictures’ can be constantly in our mind's eye, causing us ‘pain’ emotionally and sadness.

This blocks our lives from moving forwards.

We need to replace the negative with the Positive, the sad with the Happy, and the bad memories with the Good memories.

By being Strong and Positive within our own minds, we can do this.

What the eye sees leaves a ‘print’ in our mind’s eye, which does affect our emotions — the heart — and which does eventually affect us physically.

There are thousands of things that we can do, and one of them is to think: “what would “I” like to do?” and just do it!

Make some Happy and New memories.


Monday, February 19, 2024

It Is Very Interesting!

 It Is Very Interesting!

“Difference doesn’t mean wrong”.

Variety is the life on this planet Earth.

When we think of the variety of birds, all different shapes, sizes and colours, and song, we are Amazed, and yet the Dawn Chorus is beautiful to listen to.

What is your favourite animal? I mean, the fact that we can even ask this question proves to the variety of animals we have on Earth.

My favourite animal is the cat. I love cats. Some are beautiful, some are just down right ugly, but I love them all, it doesn’t matter to me what they look like. Cats are cuddly and have very unique personalities, and this makes them so interesting to ‘study’ and learn about.

Why is it any different for us humans?

For example, there are 7,139 languages spoken on Earth today. Who loves to learn and speak more than one language? Some of us are brought up speaking 2 or more languages in the family. 

Communication is so Important!

There is only One human race, whatever colour, language or ‘look’ — we are all human.

Isn’t this Interesting?!