Monday, April 8, 2024

We Must Think Before We Speak

 We Must Think Before We Speak

“You never know how long your words will stay in someone’s mind even long after you’ve forgotten you spoke them”

This is so True!

How many times have we gone over a conversation in our minds, seeing every detail and hearing every word?

What we need to do is replace the negative with the Positive, so that the person we are talking to will remember something Good for that day.

Sometimes, a friend or loved one recalls a conversation we had with them, quoting our words, ‘word for word’, and we usually say: “I’d forgotten I’d even said that!”

What we must do is make sure that our worlds are Positive, Encouraging and Upbuilding.

This is Good for us, as well as the other person, because it makes us think before we speak.


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