Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Try It

 Try It

“One small positive thought can change the direction of the whole day”

When we first wake up in the morning, what is in our minds?

Hopefully we’ve had a decent sleep and so our minds ‘should’ be fairly clear.

What we look at and put into our minds, first thing in the morning, sets up our whole day.

We want that first thought to be one of many Positive ‘images’ to get us firmly through the day.

Some people put post-it-notes up, around the place, with Positive affirmations written on them, so that when they walk around, doing their usual chores, they can read these.

“I choose to Smile and Enjoy life to the fullest”.

“I have Control over my thoughts and feelings”.

“I forgive myself for not being perfect”.

Try it — it does actually really work.


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