Monday, April 15, 2024

Everyone Loves A Cheerful Person

 Everyone Loves A Cheerful Person

“Keep smiling and one day life will get tired of upsetting you”

If we constantly put on that Positive face and constantly have that Positive attitude, negativity will soon give up and disappear.

The ‘trick’ is staying Positive 24/7.

Again, this comes down to what we ‘allow’ ourselves to think about.

It comes down to what we ‘put’ into our minds.

And like we wouldn’t want to poison ourselves physically, the same applies to us mentally.

If we know that something will ‘trigger’ us, we want to keep away from it.

And instead, look at, read and “do” things that make our minds Strong.

And that makes us Smile too.

This is also a good way to make friends, because everyone loves a cheerful person.


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