Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Learn The Right Words

 Learn The Right Words

“Two things to remember in life. Take care of your thoughts when you’re alone, and take care of your words when you are with people”

If we could only “perfect” this, our lives would be much happier.

Our mental health is so Important because our mind Controls every aspect of our bodies, and therefore, our lives.

By ‘training’ our minds to think only Encouraging and Positive words when we are alone, we will be ‘ready’ with the Right words when speaking with others.

This way, we will not be allowing our minds to dwell on negative things of the past or taking ‘revenge’ when speaking to someone.

Life is not easy in this world at this time, so by building ourselves up to have a Positive Life, we are in a much better position to Help and Encourage others with the Right words.


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