Wednesday, September 27, 2023

You Seriously Don't!

 "You don't owe anyone an explanation for taking care of yourself"

You and I need to look after ourselves. It's a fact.

Giving ourselves a little "me-time" every single day, is showing how responsible we are, caring for ourselves, mentally and physically.

Others see this and 'know' that we can also look after them too. For example, a sick relative or friend. And if they love us, they will make sure we look after ourselves too.

When someone demands our attention 24/7, not thinking about anyone but themselves, they do not deserve our attention. Maybe, by looking after ourselves we are showing them how to care for themselves???

Either way, we deserve Peace within our own souls.

We deserve that quiet time to refresh and rebuild ourselves --- mentally and physically.

We do not need to explain 'that' to anyone!!!


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