Friday, September 22, 2023

Just Be Happy With What You've Got

 "Happiness is not about getting all you want, it is about enjoying all you have"

Do we really appreciate all of the physical things we have?

Food, clothes, homes, entertainment, even jobs, etc,etc,etc.

When we see others who have lost everything in floods or earthquakes, 'natural disasters', or even wars --- are we grateful for what we personally have?

Happiness comes from appreciating what we have now, today!

So many strive after 'material things', missing time with their families because they are more interested in gaining more money or 'things' --- but are they truly happy?

When we look around our lives / homes --- do we really appreciate and love what we have?

And often, when we do appreciate what we have today, we do receive 'more' (which can make our lives a little easier).


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