Saturday, September 30, 2023

Just Listen

 "The most powerful and basic way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen"

Have you been in a room full of people and only hear one voice?

Have you thought: "Well I was hoping to say ---"?

This is so true in every day life. 

We get caught up, being so busy, that when someone NEEDS to talk to us, we just don't think we have the time.

We need to make that time because it could save someone's life.

Listening is basic to human life. When we are first born, we hear our parents voices and we start to learn from them, learning more in the first five years of our lives than at any other time. We Listen and we Learn.

When we listen to another person, especially if they are 'unburdening' themselves to us, that person feels so much better afterwards and happier --- because someone stopped and took the time to Listen to them.

How can a doctor find out what's wrong --- if he / she does not Listen?

How can a teacher help a pupil --- if he / she dose not Listen?

How can we help someone avoid suicide --- if we do not Listen?

We are grateful for help ourselves, so we should also give that help to others too --- especially if we love him / her.


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