Wednesday, September 20, 2023

You Do Have Potential

 "You're so busy doubting yourself while so many others are intimidated by your potential"

When others look at us, what do they see?

When we look at ourselves, what do we see?

We are (sometimes) so busy comparing ourselves with others, that we do not see what others can see in us, and (sometimes) our potential can frighten them.

They are looking at us thinking: "I could never be as strong as him / her", even whilst we're saying the same thing about them!

We need to stop, sit down and really think about our own potential, what we can do, and even what we have done.

When we see the potential in ourselves and our friends, we realize just how Strong all of us are. 

It's this Strength that we need to keep and show every single day. After all, we never know who is watching us and how that Strength can help another person.


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