Saturday, September 30, 2023

Just Listen

 "The most powerful and basic way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen"

Have you been in a room full of people and only hear one voice?

Have you thought: "Well I was hoping to say ---"?

This is so true in every day life. 

We get caught up, being so busy, that when someone NEEDS to talk to us, we just don't think we have the time.

We need to make that time because it could save someone's life.

Listening is basic to human life. When we are first born, we hear our parents voices and we start to learn from them, learning more in the first five years of our lives than at any other time. We Listen and we Learn.

When we listen to another person, especially if they are 'unburdening' themselves to us, that person feels so much better afterwards and happier --- because someone stopped and took the time to Listen to them.

How can a doctor find out what's wrong --- if he / she does not Listen?

How can a teacher help a pupil --- if he / she dose not Listen?

How can we help someone avoid suicide --- if we do not Listen?

We are grateful for help ourselves, so we should also give that help to others too --- especially if we love him / her.


Friday, September 29, 2023

Yes I Will

 "The only person you should be better than, is the person you were yesterday"

Competition can be healthy but it should never be extreme.

It can start in school, when a parent wants us to be better than our class mates, and we carry that all through our lives.

We should only be concerned about being better than we were yesterday. 

Good words and a good lesson.

When we look in a mirror, we see only ourselves, and from there, we can improve our own lives.

Have you ever looked back and thought: "I'm a much better person now than I was at that age" ?


Thursday, September 28, 2023

"It's Better Than I Expected"

 "Don't be afraid of change. You may lose something good, but you will gain something even better"

Being so comfortable can make us afraid of change. We don't want to lose anything that we have 'worked' for because it steadies our lives.

However, life on Earth is constantly changing and this is needed to improve life here.

Sometimes, life is even better after that change and we (may) have more, or things we had not even thought about, making life richer for us personally.

An example would be a woman having a baby, although terrified of the changes in her body and to her lifestyle, when that baby is born and in her arms --- there is no feeling like it!

So, have faith in yourself and in life in general, because most people only want the best for themselves and others.


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

You Seriously Don't!

 "You don't owe anyone an explanation for taking care of yourself"

You and I need to look after ourselves. It's a fact.

Giving ourselves a little "me-time" every single day, is showing how responsible we are, caring for ourselves, mentally and physically.

Others see this and 'know' that we can also look after them too. For example, a sick relative or friend. And if they love us, they will make sure we look after ourselves too.

When someone demands our attention 24/7, not thinking about anyone but themselves, they do not deserve our attention. Maybe, by looking after ourselves we are showing them how to care for themselves???

Either way, we deserve Peace within our own souls.

We deserve that quiet time to refresh and rebuild ourselves --- mentally and physically.

We do not need to explain 'that' to anyone!!!


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

It's Positive

 "Positive thoughts generate positive feelings and create positive results"

When we get up every day, what's in our minds?

We turn on the news or read a newspaper, what do we see?

We talk to people we meet, what do we hear?

The human race is constantly going through change, some of it affects us all and can make life 'difficult' to deal with, even 'negative'.

With a "Positive" frame of mind, our day will be "Positive" --- whatever happens.

What we take into our minds affects us --- both mentally and physically --- which, in turn, affects how we 'face' life.

If we can "keep" our minds Positive all of the time, this will have a constant affect on our days and our lives.

The emphasis is on ourselves to Be Positive (no matter the effort) and once we get into the 'habit', this will become 'normal' to us. And it is surprising how this affects others, when they see us smile, laugh or just say an encouraging word.


Monday, September 25, 2023

Don't Quit, Rest!

 "If you get tired, learn to rest, not quit"

At the end of the day, when you've finished work, had dinner, sorted out the 'family' and sitting down, how do you feel?

Some feel this at the beginning of every day.

However, after a night's sleep, resting and laying down, and the alarm goes off (not too early), ready for another day --- how do you feel now?

It is so True.

Our bodies and our minds NEED to Rest.

It is the way we are designed.

Of course, this can apply to a certain 'situation' we may be in --- a job we are struggling with, a school or college that we just don't feel we 'fit in', or the more serious 'situations' like caring for a sick relative or being sick ourselves (or even domestic abuse of some kind).

Do Not Give Up!

These 'situations' can make us very tired, having to "fight" every single day, all of the time, and we could feel like just giving up.

Do not Give Up!

There is always HOPE and sometimes we need to find that quiet space of our own to rest our minds (and bodies) to give us the STRENGTH to continue that day.
Also, please do not forget the many professionals out here who just want to help support you, even to change your 'situation' (if possible).

You Are Not Alone!

And, in a few months time (even years), when things have changed --- you'll be glad you're still here and didn't give up because Life is Worth Living.


Sunday, September 24, 2023

It's Our Privilege!

 "At any given moment you have the power to say: This is not how the story is going to end"

Our lives are in our hands!

Only we have the right to 'change' our lives for the better, making us happier.

When we find ourselves in a difficult 'circumstance', we must be Strong and have the Courage to change things for the better.

And we CAN!

Whether it is finding a better job, doing that course which we've always wanted to do, or just visiting that friend we haven't see for ages --- it is within our 'power' to do these things.

Our lives are our stories and only we have the right to 'write' them.


Saturday, September 23, 2023

"Oh, You Are Kind"

 "Sometimes miracles are just good people with kind hearts"

I love this saying! ! !

A kind word can make all the difference to our day.

Even a kind action.

A smile can sometimes just take the edge off of a very difficult day.

We are all 'fighting' to keep our mental health, our physical health, our families or even ourselves, and that kind word or action can make life worth living after all.

And doesn't it 'seem' like a miracle when we see that kind person?

When we all look out for each other --- miracles happen every single day!


Friday, September 22, 2023

Just Be Happy With What You've Got

 "Happiness is not about getting all you want, it is about enjoying all you have"

Do we really appreciate all of the physical things we have?

Food, clothes, homes, entertainment, even jobs, etc,etc,etc.

When we see others who have lost everything in floods or earthquakes, 'natural disasters', or even wars --- are we grateful for what we personally have?

Happiness comes from appreciating what we have now, today!

So many strive after 'material things', missing time with their families because they are more interested in gaining more money or 'things' --- but are they truly happy?

When we look around our lives / homes --- do we really appreciate and love what we have?

And often, when we do appreciate what we have today, we do receive 'more' (which can make our lives a little easier).


Thursday, September 21, 2023

Say - Action - Prove It!

 "People may say things with good intentions, but their actions prove who they truly are"

We all have that one friend or relative who always promises to visit and never does.

That one person always promises to help when we're in need but seem to stay away from us.

And then there is that one friend or relative who is always there, willing to help us, no matter what.

He or she is always visiting, or phoning, or popping round with a loaf of bread, and he or she really is a good friend or relative.

Who are we?

Who am I?

Do I say I'll do something and then 'duck out' at the last minute? Or do I actually 'do' what I say I'll do.

What kind of a reputation do I have?

"Their actions prove who they truly are".


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

You Do Have Potential

 "You're so busy doubting yourself while so many others are intimidated by your potential"

When others look at us, what do they see?

When we look at ourselves, what do we see?

We are (sometimes) so busy comparing ourselves with others, that we do not see what others can see in us, and (sometimes) our potential can frighten them.

They are looking at us thinking: "I could never be as strong as him / her", even whilst we're saying the same thing about them!

We need to stop, sit down and really think about our own potential, what we can do, and even what we have done.

When we see the potential in ourselves and our friends, we realize just how Strong all of us are. 

It's this Strength that we need to keep and show every single day. After all, we never know who is watching us and how that Strength can help another person.


Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Happiness Is A Choice

 "Happiness starts with you. Not with your relationships, not with your job, not with your circumstances, but with you"

Isn't this so true!?!

No matter where we are, if we are happy inside, it will always show.

No matter what job we are working, if we are determined to be happy within ourselves, our colleagues will see.

No matter who our family are, or what 'kind' of relationship we are in, if we choose to be happy, 'they' will see it.

And how much better do we feel when we are happy.

Even at school, college or university, we can be happy inside and out, and our fellow students will see that smile is not a 'forced' smile but a genuine smile.


Monday, September 18, 2023

Kindness Is FREE

 "You can always give something, even if it is only kindness"

With the cost of living going up and up, and many going to food banks every week, most of us have little to give 'financially'.

Even to our usual charities, we may have had to cut down, because the electric bill has gone up, alongside the phone bill.

However --- we can give a smile freely,

we can give a nod freely,

we can give a kind word freely.

Being kind is free, it sometimes just requires our time, and if we can't give 5 minutes to 'chat' to someone, we are too busy!

When we give kindness, it also reflects on our personalities and always 'comes back to us'.

Do you want to be known as a kind person?

All of us do!

And you never know how much a kind word can really help someone, even a stranger.


Sunday, September 17, 2023

Look At What YOU Have Accomplished

 "Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come"

"Look how far you've come, it's taken a long time to get to this day" --- did anyone say that to you on your wedding day?

When we look back at our past, what do we see? A real past, full of life and experiences that (should) help us in the future.

If you ever wake up and 'worry' because you don't think you can do that job, just STOP and think about how much work it took to actually get that job, and (hopefully) your Confidence will come back to you.

It's the same when doing a course at college. The exam seems impossible, but look back at the three folders you have built up over the last two years, and just SEE what you have already accomplished --- and you haven't even taken the exam yet!

You Can Do It!

You've done the work in the past, you CAN do it again in the future!

Believe In Who You Are!


Saturday, September 16, 2023

You Can Be

 "If you work on something a little bit every day, you end up with something that is massive"

This can be true of our Confidence.

Many of us are shy and nervous around other people, wishing we could be more 'boisterous', even the center of any conversation.

You know what --- You Can Be!

Doing a little bit of 'Confidence' every single day and, before you know it, you will be at the center of any conversation.

Say "Hello" to that person waiting for the same train or bus as yourself, and before you know it, you'll be having a good chinwag all the way to work.

Even say "Hello" to a neighbour every morning is a good start.

When you're in with a group of friends, speak up and tell them about that fun afternoon with your family --- they want to hear your voice and see your Confidence.


Friday, September 15, 2023

Be Led

 "Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart"

Fear can stop us before we've even taken a step --- suppose something goes wrong / suppose it doesn't work out / suppose I make a mistake.

It's not very Positive is it?

What is your dream in life? Let it lead you!

Dreams have this way of coming true, even in the world we live in today, and when they do --- they are like little miracles.

A lot of the time it is having Faith in yourself and not fearing the unknown.

You Can Do It!


Thursday, September 14, 2023

Build It Yourself

 "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door"

We are forever looking for that opportunity to have a better life, a happier one, or even that special person.

Why wait?

Build the door yourself!

Make that opportunity, make the first move and take control.

It'll be amazing what will happen'.

Even if we don't 'get it right' the first time, we can keep on going until we do 'get it right', and it will be worth the wait.

Sitting back and waiting will accomplish nothing but going out and doing something will accomplish something, and usually something good too,


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

You've Got To

 "You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction"

If you want something bad enough, you will turn up and work for it.

Isn't every day like this?

And who knows what will happen that day?

You could meet someone special, find that perfect job, or just see that beautiful view.

A mother never gives up when giving birth to that baby, and when she holds him / her --- ooh what a beautiful feeling! ! !

This can be difficult for anyone who is suffering from depression.

Yes, it is real and it is a mental health problem.

Who knows why someone spirals out of control but that person can be helped today.

The first thing they can do to help themselves is to "get up, out of bed, and look out of the window to see that outside world". Once we're moving, it'll become 'normal' .

And do you ever think, at the end of the day, "I'm glad I went out today, I feel like I have accomplished something"?


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Possibilities are Endless

 "If you believe it'll work out, you'll see opportunities. If you don't believe it'll work out, you'll see obstacles"

This is a case of training or re-training our minds.

Do we naturally have that Positive attitude? Where every 'problem' is seen as a possibility?

Or are we naturally negative? And stop at the first obstacle?

By re-training our minds to think of the best and the positive and the possibilities, we will start to think this way.

Believe In Yourself Also!

And then life will be an endless "hope" of good things today and to come.


Monday, September 11, 2023

It Is Refillable !

 "People who wonder if the glass if half empty or full miss the point. The glass is refillable"

A Good Point.

A literal glass can be used again and again, and refilled when it is empty.

How true is this about our lives too.

When we are worn out, 'running on empty' because we have been working so hard, we can STOP, REST and Start Again.

And when we rest, we can use the time to quietly rebuild our minds and bodies, refreshing both.

Even if it's just sitting quietly, with our eyes closed, having '40 winks'.


We really must give ourselves that "me-time" every single day. Surely, we can afford to give ourselves 15 minutes. If we look at this as a MUST, then we WILL.

We do not want to take any chances with our minds or our bodies.


Sunday, September 10, 2023

Magic Is Real

"Magic is believing in yourself. If you can make that happen, you can make anything happen" 

This is so True!!!

Believe in yourself, no matter what happens or who is with you, because You Are Magic!

In a world that seems 'so practical', it is hard to believe in magic. After all, isn't that Walt Disney stuff that we loved as children? The mice turning into horses and the kiss which woke Snow White up? Lovely to watch --- but it isn't real.

Isn't it?

There are miracles happening every single day on this Earth. Doctors are saving lives, babies are being born, and families are living together (in peaceish).

Is a miracle magic?

Does it matter?

The beauty of this life is the very real fact that "we can believe in ourselves" to make good things happen in our lives. Even if it takes time, it will happen and we did it.

Every day we wake up, open our eyes and move around on this beautiful planet is MAGIC.

The Magic is in your hands, so Believe In Yourself and you will be able to make anything good happen in your life.


Saturday, September 9, 2023

It's Going To Be

 "If we have the attitude that it's going to be a great day it usually is"






5 words that we can keep in our minds to make sure that we KEEP that Brilliant attitude.

'I will make sure that it will be a good day, no matter what happens'.

We've got this because We Are Strong!


Friday, September 8, 2023

Look For The Rainbow

 "The rain will pass. Keep your head up. Look for the rainbow"

In England, we are used to the rain, it's true. But sometimes, it can be just too much, getting wet every day going to work or school.

The same is true of life and the 'problems' we have to face every day. Sometimes, it just all gets on top of us.

Keep your head up! Life Will Get Better!

And when we see that rainbow in the sky, doesn't it fill us with wonder.

The same is true when facing our problems. When we look back on them and remember how we handled them, we should be really proud of ourselves.

And when things do (finally) get better, it's like living inside that rainbow.


Thursday, September 7, 2023

Start Again !

 "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin, this time more intelligently"

"Oh, I made a mess of that!"

How many times, in life, have we said this?

Yes, we do make mistakes but we can learn from them and get it right --- the next time.

This, of course, can actually apply to anything in life. Homework / buying a new house / starting a new job / even living with a new partner.

This is the Beauty of life --- that no matter how may mistakes we do make --- we can always start again and get it right the next time (or one day).

There is always HOPE!


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

What Example Are You Setting?

 "You change the world by your example, not your opinion"

People follow / copy people. It's just who we are as the human race.

We see a smile --- we smile.

We hear a laugh --- we laugh.

We see others chatting --- we start chatting.

Let's try to "do" Positive things every day and then (hopefully) others will 'copy'.

It does rub off.

You might be wary of talking to strangers but a smile doesn't hurt anyone, and may even be a 'protection' --- "that person knows what their doing and has strong people around them".

So --- we can change the world for the better --- by our Positive example!


Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Stop And Listen

"Sometimes I just need a break in a beautiful place, to stop, listen to my heart, and figure it all out" 

There is nothing wrong with giving yourself some time to 'work things out'.

None of us are born with the knowledge needed to get through life and we need to contemplate how we will face our lives, our future, even ourselves.

As we go through life, our personalities change and our hopes and wants and, sometimes, we just need time to "accept" who we are and how we want to live, even to work out 'how' we will live or want to live.

It is Important to listen to ourselves!

This will help us mentally, which will affect our lives and those around us.

It is 'healthy' to sit quietly and just listen to our own minds, working out our lives, maybe even writing things down because sometime seeing 'it' on paper can help us "see" more clearly.

Besides, we deserve this time because each one of us is Special.


Monday, September 4, 2023

Just Be Kind

 "You know who's going through a lot right now? Literally everyone. Just be kind"

We are never alone.

Every single one of us is going through something --- a physical problem, a mental problem, a family problem, a school or college problem, and the list goes on.

Everyone of us is going through a 'cost of living' problem --- rich or not.

Let's try to remember this and just be kind to everyone we meet, however they treat us.

How would I like to be treated? It's an old question but a very real one, and one we have heard from our grandmother too.

We feel good and even better when we treat others with kindness and understanding, and who knows how it will "help" the other person. A kind word can make all the difference to some one's day.

"There are kind people on this Earth after all".


Sunday, September 3, 2023

"Fill Up"

 "Remember to take care of yourself. You can't pour from an empty cup"

Self-Care is a Must in this world.

A few minutes every single day to rest, relax and rebuild our minds and bodies gives us the Strength and the Confidence to get through that day, even that week.

Being so busy that we care for everybody else but never for ourselves is not a very wise thing to do.

We don't want to 'collapse' mentally or physically.

So Do It! 

Give yourself that "Me-Time" every single day and your 'cup' will always be full.


Saturday, September 2, 2023

No Apologies Necessary

 "You don't have to defend or explain your decisions to anyone. It's your life. Live it without apologies"

"Please no apologies needed"

How many times have we heard this expression?

Ever thought that it applies to life itself?

Why should we explain our lives to anybody? Or 'apologize' to others how we live your lives?

No !

You live your life your way for a reason and, very often, if some one else 'criticises', it's because they are jealous of your happiness.

You deserve that happiness --- keep it close.


Friday, September 1, 2023

NO !

 "Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace"

We live in a very varied world, where people of every 'kind' live.

Some are kind, some are helpful, some are spiteful, some are only out to destroy others.

When you have worked so hard to achieve that Peace which you so deserve --- never let any one take that Peace away from you.

Their 'behaviours' do not belong in your life, so don't put up with it.

Stop them before they go any where near your life / your Peace / your future.

Yes, Inner Peace brings a more Peaceful and Happier future, one which you deserve.