Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Positive Means Possibilities

 Positive Means Possibilities

“Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will”

To be Positive means to go forwards, especially in Life.

Positive thinking can ‘free up the mind’, giving it space for more Constructive and Practical and Stronger thoughts.

And it is these ‘thoughts’ that will help us to progress in our lives, always keeping our heads high and a smile on our faces.

Who does better?

The Positive and Cheerful sales assistant, who always makes the customer laugh?

Or, the negative and moaning one, who is always complaining to anyone who will listen?

I think I know who I’d rather have serving me.

A Positive thinker also thinks of the Possibilities that are in front of him or her, finding ways to move forwards in life.

Life just comes easier when you are thinking in a Positive way.


Monday, June 3, 2024

We've Come This Far

 We’ve Come This Far

“Never stop believing in hope because miracles happen every day”

Another way of expressing this is to never stop Believing in Ourselves!

The thing with miracles is that we don’t always recognise them, sometimes, until they have gone. 

Always Believing in Hope is the same as always Believing in Life Itself, and we would never give up on Life.

The word Hope can mean: “a feeling of expectation or / and desire for a particular thing to happen”, or, “a feeling of trust”.

Do we Trust Ourselves?

Do we Trust in Life?

Will we always Believe in “Trust”?

“Miracles” are happening every day, all day, we just need to stop and ‘see’ them.

A new born baby is a miracle, just as the old lady is a miracle, who struggles to go out but still does to meet her friend at the cafe.

A student may think that it is a miracle when they pass that very difficult exam.

And a mum and dad are so Proud when they see their little one take his or her first steps.

What about you?

What ‘Miracles’ have You accomplished today?

Sit down and take a few minutes, quietly, to think about what YOU have done today, and allow yourself to feel Proud of yourself.

Some may say that it’s a miracle that we’ve come this far.


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Never Forget That YOU Are The Gift!

 Never Forget That YOU Are The Gift

“Each day provides its own gifts”

This is so true, it’s just that we are often so busy that we don’t always ‘see’ or ‘think’ about these gifts.

Giving ourselves that crucial “me-time” every day helps us to see these gifts and how they affect our lives.

An obvious gift is the new-born baby who was born during the night, and who you visit in the morning.

But what about grandpa, who is always there, with a smile, a coffee and a biscuit?

We see grandpa all the time but listening to his war stories can be considered a gift, because he has knowledge and experience that we can only learn from.

Grandpa already knows his gifts, everyday, but he himself can be considered a “Gift!

And when you look at yourself in the mirror — You are the Gift — because you have gone a long way to get here today.


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Make The Right Choice

 Make The Right Choice

“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become”

Not allowing the past to ‘mould’ us into being a person we would never want to be shows how Strong we are.

Everyone of us “Wants”  to be a certain person, living a certain way and being known for having certain qualities.

We need to be Positive to make sure that we Live and Have the Life that We Want.

Or choose to have.

Choice is such an Important word.

We must never forget that we do have a choice.

And we must never let anyone take that choice away from us!

We can either choose to have a Good Life and to be a Positive and Happy person.

Or to have an unhappy and negative and sad life.

Which one will help us Mentally?

For our own Mental Health, we must always choose the Positive way of Living.


Friday, May 31, 2024

Use It Wisely

 Use It Wisely

“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time”

King Henry VIII said: “Of all the losses, time is the most irrecuperable for it can never be redeemed”.

How true is this!

We cannot make time stand still and once it’s gone, it’s gone.

Every ‘possession’ can be replaced, from food to clothes to money.

But time can never be ‘replaced’.

How many times have we looked back on something and thought: “I wish I’d done that when I had the time”?

This makes Time the most Valuable part of our Lives.

We need to really Appreciate and Use our Time in a Positive way now, because this will affect our Future.

Yes, Time is more Valuable than money as It can never be replaced with more Time.

This Encourages us to really use our Time Wisely, never wasting it for anyone or anything.


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Be True To Yourself

 Be True To Yourself

“Be yourself always. Don’t change so people like you. The right people will love the real you”

Be Happy and Content with who you are and Be You!

Never change to be someone else to ‘please’ other people.

You won’t be happy and they won’t respect you.

Respect Yourself and show Who you really are, and others will respect you.

Be True To Yourself!

It is true that ‘like attracts like’.

A Positive person will always ‘attract’ Positive friends.

We will always be much Happier in our lives when we are True to ourselves.

This will also build Confidence, Belief and Trust within our own personalities.

Why should we change just to please other people? 

True friends will Accept and Love us for who we are.

He or she may even Admire you because you refuse to ‘lie to yourself’.

Be Yourself and you will always be “The Best”.


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Keep That Door Open

 Keep That Door Open

“A wise person knows there is something to be learned from everyone”

This is a quote to remember as we go about our busy day.

Wherever ‘situation’ we find ourselves in, we can always Learn something from it.

Whoever we meet during our lives, when people come and go, we can always Learn something from someone.

Wisdom means never to close that ‘door’ thinking that we know everything.

Every single day we are Learning, we just may not always ‘realise’ it.

Like a Gratitude journal, if we wrote down one thing that we have learnt every single day, our journal would soon be full.

And then we could re-read these new ‘thoughts’ and keep them ever present in our minds,

Just make sure that what you Learn has a Positive effect on our minds.

Because whatever we are doing, our Mental Health Must Come First.