Sunday, August 30, 2020

Panda To Me


One of the most well-known creatures on this Earth is the Giant Panda.

This black and white teddy bear is generally a solitary bear and can communicate through vocalisation and scent markings. They can climb and take shelter in trees but they do not hibernate.
These pandas rely primarily on spatial memory rather than visual memory.

In the wild, the Giant Panda spends it's life roaming and feeding in the bamboo forests of the Qinling Mountains. Their amount of activity is related primarily on the amount of sunlight during colder days.

 Sounds a lot like us humans!

Although being in 'captivity' has saved many of these pandas, there is one very big problem --- these beautiful creatures will not mate in captivity. Through artificial insemination within these zoos, the pandas have bred successfully, a lot of the time giving birth to twins. Ahh --- .

These lovely pandas first became endangered in 1990 because of excessive poaching and deforestation. Today, there are about 1,864 Giant Pandas in the wild with 400 in captivity. 
How can anyone kill these inoffensive and docile teddy bears?
Let's hope mankind is learning today and now that we have no right killing the creatures we share our home with --- we do not want yet another creature becoming extinct!

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