Saturday, August 1, 2020

The Sloth Bear

Sloth Bears are gentle creatures and their scientific name "Bradypus" means 'slow feet' in Greek.
Their home is in tall trees as their long claws make it difficult to walk on the ground.
They can live up to 40 years.
The impressive biology of a Sloth Bear allows it to spend 90% of its life hanging 'upside down,'
Their diet consists of buds, leaves and tender shoots, some have been known to eat insects and birds. 
Sloths have an extra vertebrae at the base of the neck which allows them to turn their head on a 290o axis. This means they can obtain an almost 360o view of the surroundings.
Sloth Bears can swim --- up to 3 times faster than they can move --- and they can hold their breath for 40 minutes.
These bears travel no more than 125 ft (38 m) in a single day.

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