Saturday, August 8, 2020

The Common Marmoset

The Common Marmoset
The Common Marmoset is a New World monkey.
The adult body length is 14-19cm (not including the long tail) and an average body mass of 300-500g. It has a white blaze on the forehead and white ear tufts. Thus, another name for it is "The Cotton-Eared Marmoset."
They eat gums and saps --- an important food source. They also feed on fruits, flowers, nectar and small animal prey (frogs, snails, lizards, spiders and insects).
Common Marmosets live in stable groups with an average size of 8-10 individuals. Each group contains only one breeding pair --- the highest ranking male and female.
These Marmosets are native only to east-central Brazil. They have been introduced to Riode Janeiro and Buenos Aires and can be found in a number of forests habitats.

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