Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Long-Tailed Macaque

The Long-Tailed Macaque
These Macaque live in groups of 6-58 individuals.
The highest-ranking females have more offspring (over their life time) as they begin to reproduce at a young age. The gestation period is 165 days. The female reaches sexual maturity at 4 years of age, the male at 7 years of age. The female gives birth to a single baby and the 'interbirth interval' averages 18 months. The female reaches her peak at 10 years of age and continue to reproduce until 24 years of age.
The mother is very protective of her new-born baby and doesn't 'let go' of the infant until it is about 4 months. The other females are intensely interested in newborns (just like humans) and often attempt to touch and groom.
These Macaques have an extensive vocal communication repertoire which is used in many situations.

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