Sunday, September 6, 2020

It Is SO Pretty !


On of the most beautiful scenes you could ever see on this Earth is "The Rainbow." 

We know the expression: "the colours of the rainbow," but do we know these colours or why we even see rainbows or have them?
Apart from the Biblical mention, I've never thought of 'why' we have rainbows, I've only ever wondered at their beauty --- Rainbows are so Pretty.
The colours of the rainbow are: red / orange / yellow / green / blue / indigo / violet.

Red is for Life
Orange is for Healing
yellow is for the Sun
green is for Nature
Blue is for Art
Indigo is for Harmony
Violet is for Spirit

It is interesting what rainbows mean in mythology, religion and the arts. For example, a single rainbow is said to signify a human descending from heaven to earth. A double rainbow is said to represent the movement from earth to heaven and is considered to be a sign of future success. The Biblical meaning is that God promised to never destroy the earth with a flood again.
In reality, we see a rainbow after it rains, the sun us usually out and the rain clouds are just a short distance away. The "Rainbow" is caused by sunlight and atmospheric conditions. Light enters a water droplet, slowing down and bending as it goes from air to dense water. The light reflects off the inside component wavelengths --- or colours. When light exists the droplets, it makes a rainbow.

So, we have the mythological reasons and we have the physical reasons. What about the effects that seeing a rainbow had on the mind?

When you see a rainbow, how do you feel? 
Peaceful, quiet, happy.
Seeing a rainbow really makes us smile.

Rainbows are so Pretty ! ! !

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