Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Tiger

The Tiger is the largest of the "Cat Family."

These cats have black striped orange fur and white bellies. A tiger's stripe pattern is like a fingerprint and can be used to identify individuals.
There are around 3,900 tigers in the wild. With the support of Tiger Protectors around the world, they are beginning to make a comeback.
These large cats are carnivorous animals, and they mostly eat large prey like deer, wild boar and even elephant calves. The have been known to kill and eat people.
The male tiger can grow to be over 3m long and weigh up to 300kg. The female tiger tends to be smaller.
The Tiger is relatively adaptable and historically lived across huge swaths of Asia. Researchers think that India hold around half of the world's remaining wild tigers.
Tigers do not shy away from water and enjoy bathing in streams and lakes to escape the heat in the hot climates.

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