Monday, May 4, 2020


There are 2 species of wild horse = the Tarpan and the Przewalski.
There are around 400 different breeds of domestic horse. Both wild and domestic horse are grazers.
Lifespan = 25-30 years
Speed = 88km/h
Height = 1.4-1.8m (adult, at the withers).
Before we had cars, the horse was widely used as a draft animal, and riding on horseback was one of the chief means of transportation.
The horse and the human have a unique relationship, the horse being a partner and friend. It has plowed the field, bringing in the harvest, hauled goods and conveyed passengers, followed game and tracked cattle. 
The Influence of the horse is expressed as Chivalry and Cavalier, which means honour, respect, good manners and straightforwardness.
The male is called a Stallion.
The female is called a Mare.
A male foal (baby) is called a Colt.
A female foal is called a Fillie.


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