Sunday, May 3, 2020


Dolphins are very Intelligent.
The Bottlenose dolphin is the most common and well known species of dolphin.
# dolphins live in 'schools' or 'pods' of up to 12
# the female is called a cow / the male is called a bull / the 'kid' is called a calf
# these marine mammals are carnivores (they eat meat)
# dolphins have a 'blowhole' on the top of their heads to breathe
# they have excellent eyesight and hearing and have the ability to use 'echolocation' for finding things. They are playful, often jumping out of the water, riding waves, play fighting and (occasionally) swim with humans
# dolphins communicate with each other by using clicks, whistles and other sounds.
Did you know ?--- The Killer Whale is a member of the dolphin family.
We know of 42 species of dolphin and 7 species of porpoise. There are 38 members of the oceanic dolphin family, 7 members of the porpoise family and 4 members of the river dolphin.


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