Monday, May 18, 2020

The Cat

Cats are the most affectionate of pets.

They need space and when their dietary, environmental, health and welfare needs are cared for, they thrive. Cats need access to clean water, meat-based cat food and regular grooming as well as private access to a liter tray (which should be cleaned regularly).
Cats do need a lot of looking after.
Understanding cat behaviour will help the cat to enjoy life as your pet.
1) cats have highly developed senses
2) cats are expert hunters
3) cats are agile
4) cats use a range of methods to communicate
5) cats are independent and territorial
6) cats are meat eaters
7) cats are playful but they also love "cat naps."
Cats are extremely clean animals.
They are constantly grooming, keeping their coats in good condition.
A cat is a lovely pet to cuddle, but please remember --- it does like it's space.

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