Saturday, May 2, 2020

Talk To Your Cat

From a very early age, we have always had cats --- we are truly a real 'Cat Family.'
It is interesting how domesticated cats really are. "Cats have been domesticated to deal with us " --- can we truly "speak" to them ?
Humans are said to be the most intelligent species on Earth and yet, which other mammal can we really 'talk' to ?

It is true that cats don't waste their words.
A cat will only 'make a noise' (meow) when he / she really needs to or needs something or even wants something. 
People who study lions for years still have a lot to learn about communication. A lion is a wild cat.
How much we still have to learn about our little lions --- our cats --- especially with regards to communication.

It is interesting to read about the amount of research that has gone into "Cat Communication" or "language."
Researchers in Tokyo, Japan, found out this lesson through a careful scientific analysis:
"The Japanese researchers found that cats understand humans, not just by voice tone but also by identifying certain words including their names, the owner's name, various commands you've used, and many other stunning eavesdropping techniques that you had no idea bout ---"

Is the go-to-guide for bonding with your cat through language communication.
Talk to a Cat ?
If you Love cats as much as I do --- you'll Understand !

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