Wednesday, February 26, 2020


              I'm a great believer in "Self-Help."
Yes, I do go to the doctor if I'm ill, the chemist if I need medicine, and so on. But I have also learnt that I can do something myself = to help me through every day.
                  The mind affects the body.
               The mind affects the emotions.
What I take into my mind / think about / 'allow' into my mind will and does affect me = in every way !
So where can I go to get ' help'? 'Strength'? "The Peace" ?
                              Time is Free.
                        The library is Free.
                  Candles do not cost 'a lot.'
Every-one has their favourite music, which you can get for Free from some places.
           There is always a documentary on T.V. to watch.
                                                              15 minute manifestation

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