Thursday, February 27, 2020


Time is sometimes the one thing we find hard to control. It seems to run through our lives, like water through our fingers, and it just seems 'impossible' to 'hold' it.
We plan for that special meeting at work, arranging a special time and making time to prepare what we will say. Work Is Important! It pays for the basics of life --- rent, the bills, food, etc. We make an appointment with the doctor, dentist, hospital, etc because we need help physically from experts who want to help us. This Is Important ! to help us physically live every day. You make time to study for and take that important examination. It Is Important! because you need it for that job which will provide money for your family.
                            It Is Important!
Why is time for yourself any less Important?
It is just as Important to plan that time (5 minutes / half an hour / etc) for yourself so that you can rest and refresh your mind, your emotions and your body. And only 'You' are the expert in this area, only 'You' know what 'You' need !
                                                              15 minute manifestation

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