Saturday, February 29, 2020


Music is one of the most Powerful 'tools' / 'medicines' we have in life. Whatever music we personally like is always 'Good' to listen to. The best for me personally is the natural sounds of the Earth combined with instruments.
Moonlight Sonata played on the piano with the sounds of the waves of the ocean --- is 'magical' to listen to. A certain tune played on the flute accompanied with bird song is like 'flying' within the mind. When you walk through the park, how many times have you heard the sounds ? --- a dog barking, children laughing, people chatting, the birds singing in the trees. Natural --- 'at home' --- sounds.
Sitting in your garden --- do you just watch the butterfly on the flower and at the same time hear the jay singing in the apple tree ?
                                                            15 minute manifestation
                   Relaxing sights and sounds.

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