Saturday, February 29, 2020


Music is one of the most Powerful 'tools' / 'medicines' we have in life. Whatever music we personally like is always 'Good' to listen to. The best for me personally is the natural sounds of the Earth combined with instruments.
Moonlight Sonata played on the piano with the sounds of the waves of the ocean --- is 'magical' to listen to. A certain tune played on the flute accompanied with bird song is like 'flying' within the mind. When you walk through the park, how many times have you heard the sounds ? --- a dog barking, children laughing, people chatting, the birds singing in the trees. Natural --- 'at home' --- sounds.
Sitting in your garden --- do you just watch the butterfly on the flower and at the same time hear the jay singing in the apple tree ?
                                                            15 minute manifestation
                   Relaxing sights and sounds.

Friday, February 28, 2020


         There are billions of books worldwide.
Some are factual, some are fiction. Which are 'Good' to read? I am sure that every book has its merits. Some of the fiction books I have read are better than watching the film as they just 'fired' my imagination. The 'rest' I received from reading is what I really needed.
The 'Best' books that refresh the mind and the soul (in my opinion) --- are books about the Earth, this Unique planet we live on (and in).
The pictures alone relax the eyes and the mind, which (in turn) relaxes the body.
                    A picture of a rainbow.
        Of dolphins jumping out of the oceans.
                     Of a child smiling.
These type of pictures have such a calming affect on our minds. Young and old, there is nothing to stop us from getting a book from the library, sitting down with a nice cup of tea and relaxing whilst we're reading the book and taking in its pictures.
                                                              15 minute manifestation
  This is so Refreshing and 'Good' for the mind.

Thursday, February 27, 2020


Time is sometimes the one thing we find hard to control. It seems to run through our lives, like water through our fingers, and it just seems 'impossible' to 'hold' it.
We plan for that special meeting at work, arranging a special time and making time to prepare what we will say. Work Is Important! It pays for the basics of life --- rent, the bills, food, etc. We make an appointment with the doctor, dentist, hospital, etc because we need help physically from experts who want to help us. This Is Important ! to help us physically live every day. You make time to study for and take that important examination. It Is Important! because you need it for that job which will provide money for your family.
                            It Is Important!
Why is time for yourself any less Important?
It is just as Important to plan that time (5 minutes / half an hour / etc) for yourself so that you can rest and refresh your mind, your emotions and your body. And only 'You' are the expert in this area, only 'You' know what 'You' need !
                                                              15 minute manifestation

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


              I'm a great believer in "Self-Help."
Yes, I do go to the doctor if I'm ill, the chemist if I need medicine, and so on. But I have also learnt that I can do something myself = to help me through every day.
                  The mind affects the body.
               The mind affects the emotions.
What I take into my mind / think about / 'allow' into my mind will and does affect me = in every way !
So where can I go to get ' help'? 'Strength'? "The Peace" ?
                              Time is Free.
                        The library is Free.
                  Candles do not cost 'a lot.'
Every-one has their favourite music, which you can get for Free from some places.
           There is always a documentary on T.V. to watch.
                                                              15 minute manifestation

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


The song of the dolphin can only be heard underwater, but with our technology today, we can 'listen' to this song sitting in the comfort of our homes. And what a beautiful song !
A lighted candle (in a safe place) can be so relaxing. Instead of the glare of a bright light, you see the soft glow of the candle, which can be even more relaxing if the candle is scented. And it's this quietness that gives the mind time to repair itself, strengthening itself for the next day.
Time is there, we just need to "make the time" or "plan". You plan and prepare for that important meeting, why not do the same for yourself, so that you have the peace you need and deserve.

Monday, February 24, 2020


It is easy to reflect upon the "bad" things that surround us. We only need to turn on the news and we have become accustomed to --- the black things of life.
When was the last time you stopped and looked at a rainbow?
Or listened to the dawn chorus early in the morning ? Let's face it, most of us are up and out that time of the morning, going off to work, half asleep, trying not to trip over the pavement. Look Up, Listen, Sh Sh --- can you hear the birds before the traffic drowns out their song ? The Calming effect of birdsong is a fact, as it wakes up the mind but also brings Peace to the soul.
                                                              15 minute manifestation

Sunday, February 23, 2020


Instead of questioning "how" we got here as humans (evolution or creation?), we should be learning HOW to live NOW and how to look after and appreciate our home.
Our lives ARE so busy, our time taken up with family and work, that it seems that we live in an 'artificial' world, closed with no windows to look out of, just 4 walls and too busy to even look up.
Life can feel like that --- young and old --- we are constantly worried about the future / today / what other people think.
                                                           15 minute manifestation

Saturday, February 22, 2020


                             THE EARTH
                             OUR HOME
We were born here, we belong here, we are connected to the Earth physically. It is no wonder then that this Unique planet gives/provides us with everything to help us live --- from the air we breathe to the food we eat to the clothes we wear. 

 The healing properties of this Earth we are still learning about, even after thousands of years. The Earth heals us in ways we've never thought about before. From the herbs to the sights to the sounds, even to the smells.
Smell the rose --- how do you feel ?
Hear the waves of the ocean --- how is your mind?
Most of the medicines we take every day come from herbs --- how is your health ?
                                                             15 minute manifestation