Saturday, September 21, 2024

Love Makes The World Go Round

 Love Makes The World Go Round 

"You attract the energy that you give off. Spread good vibes. Think positively. Enjoy life"

"Smile and the whole world Smiles with you".

Thinking Positive thoughts will help to 're-train' our minds into being that Happy and Cheerful person whom everyone Loves to be friends with. 

When we were on class, at school or college, our teacher was always 'bouncy' and Encouraging, which often Encouraged us to Learn.

Life is one big classroom, and the 'bouncier' we are, the more Positive Energy is spread.

And (suddenly) the world looks a Better Place to Live in.

When we Practice Daily Gratitude and Positive and Strengthening Affirmations, having a Positive Mind becomes Natural. 

Enjoying Life as much as we can 'automatically' puts that Smile on our faces.

It Is so Important to try to Enjoy and Appreciate every moment of our Lives, because every day goes by so quickly, and we want Good and Happy Memories. 

Also, when we are Positive and Happy and Cheerful, it 'rubs off' onto others.

The Law of Attraction comes to mind.


Friday, September 20, 2024

It Is Priceless

 It Is Priceless

"Some people don't understand that sitting in your own house alone in peace, eating snacks and minding your own business is priceless"

And Relaxing!

This is definitely a "Self-Care" time and it is Essential to our Mental Health. 

We live in a society where many are afraid of missing out on anything, which is why they never give themselves this Important 'Quiet Time'.

We all Live with pressures every day which can 'get on top of us' and, if we "allow" this to happen, depression can creep in, which is something that we must always try to avoid.

Each one of us is SPECIAL and we Deserve to look after ourselves Mentally, Emotionally and Physically. 

Also, when we 'mind our own business' we are Respecting other people, who are our friends, our neighbours and our loved ones.

And when we are in our own homes, resting and 'looking after ourselves', we are avoiding drama and all the stress and anxiety that it causes.

We need to find "Balance" in our Lives.

Whilst it is nice to be with people we care about and who care about us, we need to 'make the time' to Care for Ourselves because Peace and Solitude are Priceless. 


Thursday, September 19, 2024

It's Your Chapter To Write

 It's Your Chapter To Write 

"Life is an open book full of blank pages, you Write the story as you go"

When we have Control of our Lives, we can 'write' whatever we want to in our 'own book'.

The Beauty of Living is the fact that we have the Privilege of Planning 'our own Life'.

We can Learn from past chapters and 'embrace' our mistakes. 

With our own Lives, we can 'choose' what and who we have in our own story.

And we can make our story Interesting to us personally by choosing to do things that we have a real Passion for.

Every day we wake up is a new Opportunity to write in our own books a new chapter.

And don't let anyone else 'write' that story for you!

Don't be afraid to plan, to Dream and to want that extra Special Life because You Deserve it.

Is there something that you have always wanted to have or do?

Write 'that' into the next chapter of your Life.

And remember to Enjoy your life because Life on this Earth is Beautiful ----- like You Are.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

"Well Done You!"

 “Well Done You!”

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way, if you don’t, you’ll find an excuse”

We have often heard the words: “Do you really want that?”

How many times have we said this to ourselves?

When we “Want” something, we do everything within our Power to get it or to achieve it!

It is when we don’t really ‘put our souls’ into something that we are really showing ourselves that ‘we don’t really want it’.

And yet, if we really think about ‘it’, we could be missing out on something if we can’t be bothered or make an excuse.

We may need to have a look at ourselves to ‘find out’ why we seem to be lukewarm about something.

But when we really want something, and put our ‘whole hearts’ into getting it, how do we feel when we finally receive it?




Have a Sense of Achievement.

And Impressed with what we really can do when we really want something.

And don’t forget to look in the mirror and Smile and say: “Well Done You!”


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Send Forth That Positive Energy

 Send Forth That Positive Energy

“If speaking kindly to plants helps them grow, imagine what speaking kindly to humans can do”

The Spoken Word can have a very Powerful effect on the human Mind.

Positive and Encouraging words will always uplift a person’s spirit.

Showing Empathy and Understanding will make a person feel Loved and ‘Wanted’.

We want to ‘send forth’ Positive energy which can only Enhance and Strengthen Mental and Emotional Health.

Research studies ‘document’ the effect Positive and negative words have on plants, and how this will either Enhance or stunt their growth.

How much more will “Words” affect any human, who can actually Understand them.

Kind words can and do Boost Self-Esteem and Confidence.

We know this is true which is why we always Encourage our children, speaking to them Kindly and Boosting their Confidence.

And have you ever done this to yourself?

We can say Positive words to ourselves, out loud or in our minds or even write them down.

This ‘kind’ of Helpful Self-Talk can have a very productive effect on our one Mental Health.

Flowers grow beautifully when ‘they’ are treated in a Kind and Positive way.

How much more so for us humans.


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Keep It Happy

 Keep It Happy

“Life is better when you’re laughing”

Laughter really is the Best medicine.

It is so Good for our Mental Health.

Doesn’t everyone feel so much more Happier when everyone is Laughing?!

When we Laugh, the body releases Endorphins, wwe give the body a Good boost to the immune system and Laughter benefits our physical hearts.

We become Closer to people we Love when we have a Good Laugh.

And Laughter ‘creates’ a Happy mood.

Humour is a Good way of dealing with daily challenges.

It has been called a ‘coping’ mechanism because it releases the mind from the anxiety of the problem.

Often that is all it takes.

To meet a ‘challenge’ with a Laugh and the ‘problem’ soon goes.

A Positive way of keeping Laughter in our daily Lives is to be with Cheerful friends.

Watching a Good comedy can do Wonders to lift our spirits.

And even reading a “fun” book can make us Smile.

And don’t forget to Laugh at Yourself once in a while.


Holistic Medicine

"Go For It!"

 “Go For It!”

“Three choices in life: give up, give in or give it all you’ve got”

“Give it all you’ve got!”

How many times have we heard those words?

How many times have we said them, in Encouragement to others?

How about Encouraging ourselves with those same words!

All through our Lives we are faced with ‘situations’ and ‘problems’ and we just don’t always know what to do about them.

Well, don’t give up!

And don’t give in!

Literally, give it all you’ve got!

Think about ‘all’ of the reasons ‘why’ you should do this and write them down, to remind your future self.

This is Your Life so make it the Best you can .

And don’t forget to put “Happiness” in there.

Whatever makes You Happy!

Like the sports men and women who we have just been watching during the Olympics, who physically gave it all they had, we can achieve that ‘Golden’ Life today, maybe not so much financially, but Mentally and Emotionally we can be much Happier.

Go for that Happiness because you Deserve it.