Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Feel Good In Yourself

 Feel Good In Yourself

“Your vibe attracts your tribe”

What’s your vibe?

What’s my vibe?

What’s the vibe that surrounds us?

A “Vibe” is: a person’s emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others.

This makes sense now.

What ‘type’ of Vibe do you and I want to ‘give off’?






Inorder to attract people with these ‘qualities’ or ‘vibes’, we need to have them ourselves and show them to others.

Smile when you greet people, especially at yourself when you look in the mirror first thing in the morning.

Talk about Happy and Cheerful things — they are there if we would only look for them and see them.

Think about Nice things and these will ‘push away’ the negative thoughts that can creep in.

Meditate on Encouraging words.

These will ‘automatically’ stay in your mind and you will feel better in yourself.

And when we ‘feel’ Good, this vibrates onto others.

This is a good way to ‘attract your tribe’.


Monday, June 24, 2024

Live, Breathe And Dream "It"

 Live, Breathe And Dream “It”

“Nobody is ever “too busy”, if they’re interested, they’ll make time”

When we want something, and I mean really want something, it is on our minds all of the time.

We Live, Breathe and Dream “It”.

We read about it and think about it.

And without even realizing, we spend more and more time ‘on it’.

The difficulty comes when we may not be ‘so’ interested in something, for example, like a project for work or school or college.

We need to try to “see” the Benefits in the ‘thing’.

Or it may just be that we’ve got to do it anyway.

Not being “too busy” means that we have a Control on our Time.

That Time doesn’t just ‘fly by’ as in “where has the time gone?”

Keeping Control of our Time also means that we have Control of our Lives too.

And then, we will never be “too busy” for something that we are personally really interested in.

If you’re interested, you’ll make time.


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Be Proud

 Be Proud

“All that, and you’re still standing”

Look in the mirror and smile and say: “Well Done”.

Yes, you are talking to yourself.

You are looking at yourself too.

How do you feel?

We are so used to encouraging others, which is a good thing, that we forget what we Ourselves have Accomplished.

This is why it is such a good idea to have a journal, and to write down what you have overcome in your life.

Write down how you felt and how you feel today.

Write in your journal also what you have ‘personally’ accomplished and what you have ‘personally’ gone through.

You will surprise yourself as to what you have actually done!

And for once, don’t be ‘modest’ with yourself but ‘tell the truth’.

Another thought is that you’ve been through a very difficult time and yet, you are still the same caring and loving person you have always been.

You should be Proud of Yourself.


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Move Or Stand Still?

 Move Or Stand Still?

“Focus on progression not perfection”

To “Progress” means to move forward or onward.

It is a movement towards a destination or a goal.

Progression is also a Development towards an improved or more advanced ‘condition’.

“Perfection” is a person or thing considered to be perfect.

I would rather Progress and Move Forwards in my life.

What about you?

It is always better to Focus the Mind on Movement than it is to stare at something that is not moving.

Thinking about Moving Forwards in anything keeps the Mind Active, which is so Important for our Mental Health!

It also depends on what we want in life.

To “be” perfect and never achieve anything.

Or to constantly progress and achieve things that we never knew we could achieve.

What would YOU want to do?

This applies to anything in our lives, whatever we are doing, and even how we live our lives.

A ‘perfect’ nurse can be a doctor but only “if” he or she focuses on progressing and not on perfection.

A teacher can become the head of the school, but only if he or she moves on in the teaching profession.

What about you and I?


Friday, June 21, 2024

Believe, Faith, Confidence

 Believe, Faith, Confidence

“Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear”

“Fear” is the number one ‘thing’ that stops us from doing anything.

It might not work.

It’s too expensive.

I’d love that but I’m too frightened to go for it.

We have all said these words at some time in our lives.

We have all had these fears.

So, how do we overcome this?

How do we say “goodbye” to that fear?

Believing in Ourselves has got to be at the top of the list.

We never know what we CAN do until we have to or want to.

And almost all of the time, we actually CAN and Do overcome “It”.

Having Faith in Ourselves is on the top of this list too.

Think about what you Have Accomplished in the past, and this will give you Faith in Yourself for the Future.

And then there is that all Important word Confidence.

Have Confidence on Your own Abilities.

Once we Believe, have Faith and the Confidence in Ourselves, fear does not exist.

Instead of saying “can I?”, turn the words around to “I Can!”

With all of this, you are also building your Mind up to be able to do what you want to do.

This will keep you in Charge of your Life, instead of letting ‘fear’ take over.


Thursday, June 20, 2024

It Is Better For Your Mental Health

 It Is Better For Your Mental Health

“If you can’t do anything about it, then let it go. Don’t be a prisoner to things you can’t change”

Stop worrying about it!

If you can’t do anything about a certain problem then don’t waste your thoughts or your mind thinking about it.

By constantly worrying over a problem that you can do nothing about, you are making yourself a prisoner by chaining your mind to that one thought or worry.

By doing this, you can sometimes ‘miss’ the solution to that problem, because you’ve channelled your mind to think ‘only one way’.

By ‘letting go’ of the problem, you are freeing up your mind and opening it up to ‘see’ or to ‘find’ the solution.

And that solution often ‘appears’ when we are not even thinking or looking for it. 

But we will only see it if our minds are “Free”.

How much Healthier for the Mind to Free it and to Replace the negative problem with the Positive Determination to carry on.

Strengthening the Mind in this way will make it “Clearer” to deal with, let go of or get rid of any problems.

You may not be able to get rid of the problem but you can ‘change’ how to look at it and think about it.

For your own Mental Health, it is better sometimes to ‘let go of it’.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

"You Look Gorgeous"

 “You Look Gorgeous”

“Smile! Happiness looks gorgeous on you!”

A Happy person looks better than anyone wearing the latest fashion!

And a “Smile” is free and always ‘ready-to-wear’.

Being “Happy” is like being constantly living in Springtime, when young flowers start popping up and young life dances all around us.

Being “Happy” is like living always in the Summer, when the sun is constantly out and the smell of the roses is at its Strongest.

The butterfly looks beautiful, and yet it is so tiny but so Strong, flying against the wind and finding Protection on the flowers.

We are the same.

We may feel ‘small’ in this world but if we try to always be “Happy” and “Smiling”, our Beauty will ‘Protect’ us.

Everyone loves someone who is always Smiling and Cheerful, and so we’d never be alone.

“Happiness looks gorgeous on you!”
