Tuesday, June 18, 2024

It's Good For You Emotionally

 It’s Good For You Emotionally

“Sometimes you just have to appreciate where you are. You came a long way and you’re still learning and growing. Be proud of yourself”

This is all about Gratitude.

Gratitude towards Life Itself and Gratitude towards ourselves, because of how far we have really come.

And how far we will go in the Future.

We should be Proud of Ourselves, because we are here, and because we have overcome many things to be here.

Even in our old age, we can still learn many new things.

Even in our young age, we are growing in our Appreciation for Life everyday.

There must be a few minutes every day when we can sit down quietly and think about what we do have and where we have come from, and how far we have come.

Write it down in your very own Gratitude journal because then you can re-read it to remind yourself how well you really have done.

And if you really are ‘too busy’, then make that time, plan it, because you need this quiet “me-time” for your Mental Health, which will also affect your Physical Health.

Appreciating how well you have done in your own life, is also good for you Emotionally.

Saying and hearing “Well Done” to yourself will make you Feel Good too.


Monday, June 17, 2024

A Positive Attitude Will Help us

 A Positive Attitude Will Help Us

“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations”

A pregnant woman, who is in labour for many hours and then gives birth to a beautiful baby, would readily agree with this.

Isn’t it true that anything worth having, always has a difficult ‘road’ inorder to receive it?

An example of this could be that student, who studies for hours and hours, and takes all those classes, and takes those difficult exams, and, finally, arrives at their ‘beautiful’ career after so many difficult hours (or roads).

What about you and I?

Have you gone down a ‘difficult’ road in your life, only to make it to a ‘beautiful’ destination or way of life?

Many of us have.

It can seem sometimes that life Itself is one big road, but whether or not It is a difficult road, depends a great deal on our attitude towards our lives.

For some, Life is the beautiful destination.

A Positive Attitude will help us in Life, now and in the future.


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Smiling Reduces Stress

 Smiling Reduces Stress

“Sometimes all it takes is a smile to make everything feel better”

Isn’t this so true!

To me personally, a smile means ‘life is alright after all’.

How about you?

When we’re walking down to the shops, and see someone smile at us, we ‘automatically’ smile back, it’s such a natural thing to do.

When you smile at people, how many of them do not smile back?

I think it’s a ‘human trait’ to always show the world that everything is alright.

Even if it’s not!

None of us know what is going on in someone else’s life, no matter how close we are to that particular person.

What we can do is to make sure that we smile whenever we meet him or her, to show that person that we care about them and think about them.

And that “Smile” can make all the difference to that person’s day (or even their life).

When someone smiles at you, even a stranger, how do you feel?

A “Smile” is free and takes very little ‘effort’, so there really is no excuse not to smile.

We are very conscious of our mental health, so the question is: can a “Smile” help my mind?

The answer is “YES”, for the person “Smiling” and for the person who receives that “Smile”.

“Smiling” reduces stress and enhances Positive Emotions.

When something is good for us, we should do “It” as much as possible.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Think, Live And Breathe "It"

 Think, Live And Breathe “It”

“What you choose to focus on determines your happiness. Look for the roses in life and overlook the thorns”

A ballet dancer who focuses his or her mind on dancing “the Swan” spends days, even months, practicing.

That person will watch, read, ‘dream’ and “live” that part.

And when he or she gets that special part — their performance is fantastic.

A very Important feature of this is the Focus within the mind!

What do you “Want” in Life?

Do you want it enough to ‘ignore’ the barriers and “just go for it”?

Something like this can even apply to someone who is married, with children, who looks after their elderly parents and still holds a job down,

Does this sound familiar?

You and I can still Follow our Dreams.

We need to Focus on them.

We need to Plan for that Dream.

But most of all, we need to Believe in ourselves and to Believe in the Dream itself.

Focus or Direct your mind towards the Positive.

Sit down.

Focus and think.

Write down and plan.

You’ll be surprised at what you “see”.

And when you Focus, you’ll be surprised at what you will actually do to make that Dream come true.

Like that ballet dancer, do you think, live and breathe your Happiness?


Friday, June 14, 2024

Take Control Now

 Take Control NOW

“The best way to predict the future is to create it”

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Do you remember being asked that question?

At home or at school?

How many of us have ‘actually’ accomplished it?

To Predict means ‘to say or estimate that something will happen in the future’.

Therefore, the future is in our hands!

It is up to us to Control and Create our Lives to be what we would like them to be.

However, how easy is this?

When we leave school, we get ‘caught up’ in the responsibilities of everyday life, and we soon forget that we have a dream, and sometimes even that we have a future.

This is because we are living in the ‘Now’, in the ‘today’.

By taking Control of our lives NOW, we will have Control of our Futures.

Then, we will be in the right frame of mind towards life for today and for the future.


Thursday, June 13, 2024

We CAN Help Ourselves

We CAN Help Ourselves

“It doesn’t get easier. You just get Stronger”

When we are starting to walk, as toddlers, it takes time to Balance and for our legs to become Strong, so that we can eventually walk Confidently.

This applies to any aspect of our lives.

As we become adults, our responsibilities become many and varied, and sometimes extremely difficult to “do”.

But as we work through these, we as a person, become Stronger, Learning so much as we go along in life.

We can always ‘help ourselves’ too.

Giving ourselves that all Important “me-time”, every day, will help us to Strengthen our minds, which will help us to ‘cope’ with everyday life.

And don’t forget the “3 R’s” — Rest, Relax, Rebuild.

All of this will help us to get Stronger in everyday life.



Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Keep Thinking About It

 Keep Thinking About It

“Every dream in life is sustained by hope”

Hope is: a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen.

Hope is: a feeling of trust.

This says a lot about our own lives and our own way of thinking.

Do we Trust ourselves enough to Believe that we can make our dreams come true?

Are our minds Strong enough to ‘make that dream come true’?

A “Dream” can mean different things to different people.

For one person, it could mean a completely different way of life.

For another person, it can mean something very small that they want to put into their lives.

What about you and I?

The word “Sustained” means: continuing for a long time.

Some of us have dreams that last our lives.

For others, it takes time to get to their dream because they have to study for years before they can qualify (to be a doctor, for example).

Some dreams are as simple as wanting a baby — “I have always wanted to be a mother!”

It is a good idea to sit down and write out your dream in a journal, because this could be the start of ‘realizing’ that dream.

And, of course, always thinking about that dream helps also.

To keep it in the mind will help to sustain it in your life.