Tuesday, March 26, 2024

It Is True

 It Is True

“If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely”

It is true, you know, that you can always tell when someone is Beautiful on the inside, (as well as on the outside).

Their Smile says it all and they just “Shine”.

This' Beauty of the inside’ starts with Good, Nice and Positive thinking.

Although we all have history and things that happened in our past that we would rather forget, there is always something nice that happened for us to remember.

It’s just a case of letting the nice memories in to ‘take over’ the bad thoughts, until all we have in our minds is the Positive pictures.

Being Determined to do this will help us to even write down these nice ‘adventures’ that have happened in our lives, so that we can re-read and remember every day.


Monday, March 25, 2024

It's Mental And Physical

 It’s Mental And Physical

“You get to do nothing sometimes. And you don’t have to feel guilty for that. Everyone needs rest. It’s not ‘lazy’”

Self-care is something that everyone of us can do, in our own homes, and it is free.

This is so good for our mental health, which is good for our physical health.

The trouble is that we are so busy, that to stop and ‘do nothing’ for half an hour, we feel guilty, thinking about all the things we should be doing.

The thing is => we “Should” be doing nothing and resting, looking after ourselves.

Have you heard of the “3 R’s”? 

Rest, Relax, Rebuild.

These are three things that we all need to do every single day, to look after ourselves — both mentally and physically.

And like we make time to wash and eat and ‘look smart’ for work (or for the day), so should we make time to look after our mental and physical health.


Sunday, March 24, 2024

Make It!

 Make It!

“No one is too busy. It’s not about finding the time. If it really matters, you will make time”

We always find time for the things we enjoy (usually), but do we make time for the people and the things that really matter?

It is about Time Management and taking Control of our Time.

This is hard because we are so busy and there are so many things that demand our time.

Sometimes, in order to take Control of our time, we may need to plan out our day and write down what we need to do, ticking off each thing, hour by hour.

Students do this when they’re studying for those very important exams.

“I must go and visit nan” then becomes “I went and saw nan, and we had a lovely afternoon, just before she died”.


Saturday, March 23, 2024

Better And Stronger

 Better And Stronger

“Challenge yourself every day to do better and better”

Practice! Practice! Practice!

When a person is learning the violin, they have to practice for hours, every single day, for ‘a very long time’ to be good enough to play in an orchestra. The “Challenge” then is to learn the thousands of pieces of music the orchestra will be playing. The violinist would be playing ‘at their best’.

The doctor who has come across a difficult ‘symptom’ and the ‘challenge’ is for the doctor to keep the patient alive. The doctor does this and, to the now much healthier patient, he or she is the best doctor in the world.

You and I may not be a violinist or a doctor, but in “our worlds”, we have skills that are ‘challenged’ every day, and which become Better and Stronger.


Friday, March 22, 2024

As Unique As A Fingerprint

 As Unique As A Fingerprint

“Never measure your progress using someone else’s ruler”

Every one of us is Different and Unique.

Every one of us has a Unique fingerprint. 

Every one of us has a Special Skill or Talent.

It just takes time to find it.

Some of us have never had the opportunity to “really see what we can do individually”.

And this can be difficult when we grow up in a large family or even as an only child. At school, we are encouraged to ‘compete’ with our fellow pupils, but this is only to push ourselves to see what we can personally do.

We need to build up our own Confidence and Believe in what we can do individually.

And we need to Encourage our children to show who they are as individuals.

The only ruler we should be measuring ourselves against — is our own.


Thursday, March 21, 2024

Put Us In Our Place

 Put Us In Our Place

“You may be tired and exhausted, but at least you woke up today. Someone else didn’t”

This is a good reminder for all of us to remember every day.

Life Itself is Extremely Precious.

And in our busy lives, we don’t always remember this.

When we’re moving on in everyday life, we can sometimes ‘complain’ because things are just not going our way, and this is understandable, especially when we work so hard.

But — this quote does put us in our place.

Whilst we’re complaining because “-----”, someone is in hospital, dying of cancer (or some other illness).

We wake up the next day, ready to complain about something else, whilst that person died in the night, never to see their loved ones again, in this world.

It comes down to Appreciating Life.


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Take That Chance

 Take That Chance

“This is not just another day, this is yet another chance to make your dreams come true”

Every day we are Alive, we can make our dreams come true.

Every day is another chance, another opportunity, to “See” our Dream Life.

How do you Want to Live?

What do You want to do with Your Life?

Sit down, think about it, and make that list. Then every day, do something from that list, tick it off and start on the next point on your list tomorrow. You’ll be surprised at how quickly that ‘Dream Life’ will arrive.

Trust in Yourself and Believe in You!

This is what it comes down to, to have Confidence in Our own Abilities.