Tuesday, January 30, 2024

What About You And I?

 What About You And I?

“You can see many smiles every day, but you can never know whose world is actually upside down”.

“Keep Smiling!”

When we go out first thing in the morning to work or college or even shopping, everyone of us smiles and says: “Hello”, when we meet other people, whether we know them or whether they are total strangers.

The truth is, none of us know what the other is ‘going through’.

The lady at the bus stop may have just lost her mother to cancer but she smiles on her way to the funeral parlour. 

The gentleman on the train may have just been made redundant from his place of work, and is so worried about how he will support his family, but his “smile still stays on” (as the song goes).

What about you and I?


Monday, January 29, 2024

Never Forget Your Needs

 Never Forget Your Needs

“Be there for others, but never leave yourself behind”.

We have all done this!

We’ve been so busy helping other people and ‘being there for them’, that we have completely forgotten about ourselves and our personal needs.

Don’t get me wrong, it is very commendable to always be thinking of ways to help our loved ones, and ‘put these into practice’.

It is also a good example for the younger generation to follow.

However, all of this will be of no use if you are ‘on your last legs’, with no food in the fridge and you still haven’t done your own washing.

These are very practical things that need doing, and with good planning, can be achieved.

Your friends and loved ones want to see you happy and healthy, so never forget about your personal needs.


Sunday, January 28, 2024

Inspire, Encourage, Support

 Inspire, Encourage, Support

“Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life. It’s about what you inspire others to do”.

We are surrounded by people.

Whether we live on our own or with others, there is always someone in our life — a health professional, work colleagues, student friends and / or family loved ones.

What ‘example’ do we show them?

How do they ‘feel’ when they are with us and when they leave us?

How do we Inspire them?

We always appreciate a smile and a few Positive words from others, so why not ‘mirror’ that, and then others will always be pleased to see us.

Another word for Inspire is Encourage, and to Encourage means to Support, all of these words are Positive.

Let’s ‘give back’ by being Positive in Supporting others.


Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Gratitude Journal

 The Gratitude Journal

“Bring your mind back to how blessed you already are. There’s always something to be grateful for”.

When you are starting to feel depressed and negative thoughts start to creep into your mind, open your Gratitude journal and have a look at what has made you grateful in the last few days.

The negative will soon be pushed out by the Positive.

If you don’t have a Gratitude journal, why not get one? A notebook you write in every day, committing to paper the “good” things that have appeared in your life that day.

We just have to ‘open our eyes’ and see or look for these good things.

Sit down, close your eyes and use your mind’s eye to put these Positive memories into your mind.

You’ll be surprised at how much there is to be Grateful for!


Friday, January 26, 2024

Appreciate Life Today

 Appreciate Life Today

“Don’t ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is the special occasion”.

“I’ll do that tomorrow” and tomorrow never comes. How many times have we said this ourselves?

We work so hard, saving money (if we’re able to), making sure everything is ‘perfect’ for tomorrow, that we totally forget about today and miss so many “special memories” that are happening now.

It is so true — “being alive is the special occasion”!

When someone has had a terrible accident, which could have been fatal, he or she appreciates life ‘today’ and treasures every hour of life they have.

Being alive every day really is their special occasion.

Let’s learn to Appreciate life today (before any accident happens).


Thursday, January 25, 2024

Train Yourself

 Train Yourself

“When a negative thought enters your mind, think of three positive ones. Train yourself to flip the script”.

This takes practice!

When we sit down for 10 minutes, every day, and write in our Gratitude journal all the things that we are grateful for, this will eventually become a part of our daily routine, and Positive thinking will come to the ‘front’ of our minds.

We need to build ourselves up Mentally to help “Protect” our Mental Health.

And our Mental Health is so Important!

This will also help to fight off depression, which can destroy someone’s mind.

Watching Positive documentaries, looking at and reading Positive books, and talking about Positive things, will definitely “flip that switch”.


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Respect + Love => Peace

 Respect + Love => Peace

“Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love”.

The word Respect means: “a feeling of deep admiration for someone” or “due regard for the feelings of others”.

The word Love means: “an intense feeling of deep affection for someone” or “to like or enjoy something”.

Put the two together and life will be very Peaceful and Happy.

Even as we ourselves expect, and indeed, deserve Respect, so does every person living on this Earth.

We know the expression: “to treat others as we want to be treated”, and if everyone ‘practiced’ this, we would live in a much more Peaceful world.

When we are in a relationship with someone, do they show they Love you by Respecting you?

Do you show you Love him / her by Respecting them?