Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Gratitude Journal

 The Gratitude Journal

“Bring your mind back to how blessed you already are. There’s always something to be grateful for”.

When you are starting to feel depressed and negative thoughts start to creep into your mind, open your Gratitude journal and have a look at what has made you grateful in the last few days.

The negative will soon be pushed out by the Positive.

If you don’t have a Gratitude journal, why not get one? A notebook you write in every day, committing to paper the “good” things that have appeared in your life that day.

We just have to ‘open our eyes’ and see or look for these good things.

Sit down, close your eyes and use your mind’s eye to put these Positive memories into your mind.

You’ll be surprised at how much there is to be Grateful for!


Friday, January 26, 2024

Appreciate Life Today

 Appreciate Life Today

“Don’t ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is the special occasion”.

“I’ll do that tomorrow” and tomorrow never comes. How many times have we said this ourselves?

We work so hard, saving money (if we’re able to), making sure everything is ‘perfect’ for tomorrow, that we totally forget about today and miss so many “special memories” that are happening now.

It is so true — “being alive is the special occasion”!

When someone has had a terrible accident, which could have been fatal, he or she appreciates life ‘today’ and treasures every hour of life they have.

Being alive every day really is their special occasion.

Let’s learn to Appreciate life today (before any accident happens).


Thursday, January 25, 2024

Train Yourself

 Train Yourself

“When a negative thought enters your mind, think of three positive ones. Train yourself to flip the script”.

This takes practice!

When we sit down for 10 minutes, every day, and write in our Gratitude journal all the things that we are grateful for, this will eventually become a part of our daily routine, and Positive thinking will come to the ‘front’ of our minds.

We need to build ourselves up Mentally to help “Protect” our Mental Health.

And our Mental Health is so Important!

This will also help to fight off depression, which can destroy someone’s mind.

Watching Positive documentaries, looking at and reading Positive books, and talking about Positive things, will definitely “flip that switch”.


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Respect + Love => Peace

 Respect + Love => Peace

“Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love”.

The word Respect means: “a feeling of deep admiration for someone” or “due regard for the feelings of others”.

The word Love means: “an intense feeling of deep affection for someone” or “to like or enjoy something”.

Put the two together and life will be very Peaceful and Happy.

Even as we ourselves expect, and indeed, deserve Respect, so does every person living on this Earth.

We know the expression: “to treat others as we want to be treated”, and if everyone ‘practiced’ this, we would live in a much more Peaceful world.

When we are in a relationship with someone, do they show they Love you by Respecting you?

Do you show you Love him / her by Respecting them?


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

There's Nothing Wrong With Us

 There’s Nothing Wrong With Us

“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower”.

“There’s nothing wrong with her, we just need to get her away from that bad environment!” Have you heard of this ‘expression’ before?

We always want the best for our children, and we want to keep them safe by keeping him / her away from bad things.

What about us?

Sometimes we may find ourselves in a ‘bad’ environment which may be causing us harm, either mentally or even physically, and we need to ‘change’ the environment.

There’s nothing wrong with us and we need to keep it that way, by making sure that the ‘environment’ doesn’t damage us.

We need and want to be in a situation where we can grow as a person, and develop our skills in life.


Monday, January 22, 2024

It Is Our Privilege

 It Is Our Privilege

“Our parents were patient when we were young, now it’s our time to be patient during their old age”.

Have you ever had the privilege of caring for your mother and / or father?

Possibly one or both became ill and needed more care than usual, because they just couldn’t care for themselves anymore.

This is a change in routine and in our mindset.

Being Determined to look after our parents (when the time comes) helps us to ‘know what to do’ when they really do need our help.

Think about all of the things they did for us — making sure that we were well-fed, clean and warm, sitting up with us when we were ill, praising our successes — without them, we wouldn’t be here!

Yes, it is a real Privilege and one which can and does give us good memories to look back on.


Sunday, January 21, 2024

What Are you thinking About?

 What are You Thinking About?

“If you don’t leave your past in the past, it will destroy your future. Live for what today has to offer, not what yesterday has taken away”.

This is a very true saying.

It is hard, when we have come out of a difficult situation, to not let ‘it’ ruin (or indeed run) our lives.

It is at this time that we need to open our ‘eyes’ to the good that is out there, surrounding us, and to accept it and embrace it.

The past is limited because it has gone, never to come back, but the future is full of possibilities to improve our minds and our lives.

The “Today” is full of choices and we need to make the choice that will Improve and Strengthen our minds and our lives. 

Remember, it all starts with how we think and what we “allow” ourselves to think about.