Saturday, January 13, 2024

Colourful And Musical

 Colourful And Musical

“Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder”.

There is always something good to see in (almost) everything.

We just need to ‘open our eyes’ and look for it or see it.

Waking up with the mental attitude that we Will see something Positive that day will Encourage us to ‘look for it’.

Thinking in a Positive way will also help us.

For example: we live on a beautiful planet which is full of life, colourful and musical.

This is Positive.

Listen when the birds sing during the Dawn Chorus.

Stroke your neighbours cat as you go to work or college.

Cuddle your loved one when you take his or her shopping to them.

All of these are Positive things.


Friday, January 12, 2024

Move Forward

 Move Forward

“Don’t stress about the closed doors behind you. New doors are opening if you keep moving forward”.

I really like this quote.

It’s encouraging us not to dwell on the past, which we cannot change, and to look forwards to the future: “New doors are opening”.

However, to do this, we must “keep moving forward”.

It comes down to our Mental Attitude.

To dwell on the past ‘can’ be a negative thing.

To move forward to the ‘new doors opening’ is a Positive way of looking at life.

What type of person do we want to be?

A negative person or a Positive person?

To be a Positive person is much better for us Mentally and Physically.


Thursday, January 11, 2024

Abilities, Strengths And Passions

 Abilities, Strengths And Passions

“Stop doubting yourself. Work hard, and make it happen”.

Doubt is a very negative word, the word itself means: “a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction,” and although it has its use in a sentence, it has very little use when it comes to Believing In Ourselves.

When we ourselves work so hard for our loved ones and ourselves, our homes and to pay our bills, we should never doubt ourselves — our motives and our strengths.

Working so hard and “making it happen” shows just what we can do and accomplish, which should give us Confidence In Ourselves.

And when others see this in us, they also have trust and confidence in us.

Never doubt yourself — your Abilities, your Strengths and your Passions.


Wednesday, January 10, 2024



“New day. New thoughts. New strength. New possibilities”.

Every single morning we wake up is a new possibility for us to make our lives happier and healthier.

A night’s sleep means that we are refreshed and have new strength (hopefully) to make our day a good one.

Positive thoughts first thing in the morning sets us up for a Positive day.

All of this shows us the very real need for us to Control our own day, which will help us to Control our own lives.

We need to ‘train’ our minds to think this way, every single morning, and we’ll surprise ourselves with these ‘new possibilities’.

Remember, our minds are in our own hands, which means our lives are also.


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Both Deserve To Be Celebrated

 Both Deserve To Be Celebrated

“Celebrate every win, no matter how small”.

When we were much younger, at primary school, we got a gold star every time we got our sums right.

When we passed our exams at secondary school, our parents ‘rewarded’ our hard work with a gift, (my parents gave me a tiny black kitten to say “Well Done”).

When we got our first job, some of us ‘celebrated’ our first wage packet by buying something nice, (I bought myself a nice dress and jacket).

All of these are ways of ‘celebrating every win’, no matter how small it seems.

A small win to one person is a massive win to another person, both “wins” deserve to be celebrated.


Monday, January 8, 2024

You'll Be Pleased You Did

 You’ll Be Pleased You Did

“If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it”.

You know that feeling, when something is constantly on your mind and you just can’t stop thinking about “it” — what do you do?

Do you ‘just’ think about it?


Do you actually ‘do’ something about it?

When we really want something, whether it’s a career, a profession, a job, or anything else, it is in our minds all of the time and that is how we know that we really want it, or are meant to have it.

So, do something about it.

Find a way of working for it or saving up to buy it.

Keep on until you finally ‘have it’ and it no longer constantly fills your mind.

You’ll be pleased and happy that you did.


Sunday, January 7, 2024

Take Baby Steps First

 Take Baby Steps First

“Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day-in and day-out”

When we were toddlers, we took baby-steps when we were learning to walk.

When we were at school and learning to read and write, we first learnt the alphabet.

It’s the same in life itself.

Small ‘steps’, every single day, will build up our routine, and a Good and Strong routine is vital in life.

In this way we build up a Happy and Successful life.

A dancer learns the basic steps first, to build up a Strong foundation to be able to move on to the more complicated steps. The final dance routine is Amazing to watch.

The same is absolutely true when it comes to our ‘accomplishments’ in life.

Remember too, that when others see us doing this, it Encourages them also.