"When there is no enemy within, no enemy outside can hurt you"
Learn to LOVE Yourself!
When you love yourself from the inside, no one can 'get in' to hurt you, even from the outside!
I'm thinking about those who 'self-harm' --- please don't ignore them --- they are asking for help!
Something or someone in their past has hurt them so much that this seems the only way they can 'deal' with it. Thank goodness we have good therapy these days. The professionals are beginning to recognize that this is a very real problem, and (over time) we are learning how to handle it.
One 'treatment' that I use is to write in a journal, (I know, I've said this before), but it really does work as it lets out all my emotions --- in a controlled way. Some people can draw which is a real blessing. Writing it out is "getting it out" and the relief leaves you / me feeling more in control of life.
So don't let that person from the past (who is probably outside your life now) ruin your day / life. Have Peace within and "no enemy outside can hurt you"!