Saturday, March 14, 2020


One of the most beautiful flowers known to mankind, the rose is a flower of love. It looks beautiful and can be found in almost every colour. The rose is one of the sweetest scented flowers. 

We give roses to the ones we love. Brides have them in their bouquets. These flowers are beautiful in their natural 'state.' The rose bush is always the highlight of the garden --- both in beauty and scent.
                                                              15 minute manifestation

The next time you want to buy your mother flowers --- buy her roses --- show her how much you love her.
                    "LIVE AND LOVE LIFE !"

Friday, March 13, 2020


                                                               15 minute manifestation

Like the dog, the 'horse' is one of the oldest domesticated animals that have lived alongside mankind  for thousands of years. And like the cat, there are wild horses and domestic horses. As we no longer use the horse for travel (as in horse and cart), these divine animals are not such a large part of our lives (as they used to be). Yet, we still see them and not just in the zoo or in the picture books.
                                                               15 minute manifestation

When travelling through the countryside, we often pass a field with horses in. Each one has its own personality too. For those who have the privilege of working and living and looking after horses, they know only too well that this animal deserves and demands respect. They are bigger than us humans and have the strongest of spirits, and yet, they are quite happy to live alongside us humans.
                                                           15 minute manifestation

There are (and have been) over 150 breeds of horse. Some we know, some we have never heard of. All of them are special and beautiful in their own way.
                    "LIVE AND LOVE LIFE !"

Thursday, March 12, 2020


                                                             15 minute manifestation

Under the Oceans of this Earth, the marine life (that we know of) is so 'diverse' that we can only 'learn' from them. Sharks and dolphins / stingrays and jellyfish / whales and manatees / as well as the fishes and plant life. So many different species, of every colour and size (and sound). And yet, we are just touching the 'surface' as we cannot yet go down to the deep depths of Earth's Oceans.
                                                               15 minute manifestation

This ecosystem has survived for millions of years. Even though there is such a diversity of species (including the plant life) each one 'knows' how to live with the other.
                                                          15 minute manifestation

Just as we humans are 'learning' to live with each other. We also have a diversity of peoples, with different cultures and 'colours', we also are learning 'how' to live with each other, in our 'ecosystem' above the Oceans, on the land.
                    "LIVE AND LOVE LIFE!"

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


                                                           15 minute manifestation

Look up in the sky and watch the birds flying high. Like the dolphins swimming within the Oceans, the birds fly high, born to glide within the sky above our heads. Every colour and every size and every song.
We occasionally see these birds when they rest on a branch and nest in the tree. Or feed on the food many of us put out for them . A robin had been known to follow a gardener around, waiting for worms to be dug up, to have a nice meal. The jay can often be heard in the garden trees, though not always seen.
                                                               15 minute manifestation

The 'dawn chorus' sings every morning, even as the 'evening chorus' sings every night. Every bird had its own 'voice', even as we humans have our own 'voices'. I can't sing but love to humm along to a tune. And yet, when a bird sings, I just have to stop and listen, it is such a 'homely' sound.
                     LIVE AND LOVE LIFE !

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


                                                            15 minute manifestation

                           Dolphins Can !
They just belong in the water, the Oceans, the rivers. Have you heard them sing ? What a Beautiful sound and so Peaceful for the mind. Dolphins seem to be here on Earth to 'cheer' us humans up.
Born with a smile, dolphins seem so happy 'dancing' in and out of the water, singing as they go. These aquamarine mammals live in 'Pods' (or family groups), sometimes as many as 25 at a time. And these mammals, who are so sociable with other marine life, protect, love and care for each other (just as we try to do). They hunt and feed together. Mother stays with her young 'calf' and both are always surrounded and protected by others in the 'Pod.'
                                                                15 minute manifestation
Isn't it most people's dream to swim with dolphins? These are gentle swimmers, who are extremely strong, and who have been known to warn off sharks who would try to attack. Even as we 'warn off' predators to protect those we love, surrounding our loved ones with love and kindness, helping each other as we travel through the choppy seas of human history.

Monday, March 9, 2020


                                                             15 minute manifestation

                              I Love Cats !
These beautiful animals are very loving without losing their own personalities or independence. True, the domestic cat relies on us to feed and care for him / her. We keep these little fluffs of fur warm in our homes, stroking and cuddling them, letting them know how much we love our little pets. And they too show us their love, purring and 'talking' to us, playing and running around and generally loving our company.
                    What about the wild cats ?
             The lions ? The tigers ? Cheetahs ?
Each one is unique in its own way. The cheetah IS a cat, the fastest land mammal on Earth, and yet it is built like a dog. The tiger is the largest of the cats, bigger than a man (if it could walk on 2 legs). The lion, like the wolf, lives together like a family, in a "Pride." The lionesses are so 'close' that they will even suckle another's cubs. And again, the lion will hunt and feed as a 'Pride.'
                                                                15 minute manifestation

We can't stroke or cuddle these wild cats but we can watch them and look at their pictures in the books. The documentaries get as close as we humans can to these lovely and unique animals, and we (as humans) do 'care' for them. Hunting lions and tigers is now banned worldwide ! The National Parks and Zoos are helping to build up the numbers of these adorable wild cats.
                                                            what is my cat saying ?

               I still love cats, even the wild ones !

Sunday, March 8, 2020


                                                       15 MINUTE MANIFESTATION

         Wolves are one of my favourite animals.
They live so closely as a 'Pack' (or family) that it is impossible to break the pack. True, there is the dominant alpha pair but some one needs to keep control. 
                                                              Brain Training For Dogs

Siblings will babysit siblings, caring for their little brothers and sisters. And when it's time to hunt --- the pack will hunt and feed together. Have you heard a wolf howl ? Imagine hearing the whole pack !
As with all things within nature, we (as humans) can learn from "the Pack." Family or not, we are all human, flesh and blood, struggling to survive within this world in which we try to live. We can look after and look out for each other. Yes, some-one 'has' to be in charge, but we can still love / help / be there --- for our loved ones, our family, our friends. Yes, we've got to be cautious as there are some 'strange people' out there, but most of us are decent, kind and honest people just wanting to help and sometimes needing help ourselves.
       Have you seen how cautious a wolf is ?
       Have you seen how 'loving' a wolf is ?
We can only learn from these beautiful animals.
                                                               15 minute manifestation