Wednesday, March 11, 2020


                                                           15 minute manifestation

Look up in the sky and watch the birds flying high. Like the dolphins swimming within the Oceans, the birds fly high, born to glide within the sky above our heads. Every colour and every size and every song.
We occasionally see these birds when they rest on a branch and nest in the tree. Or feed on the food many of us put out for them . A robin had been known to follow a gardener around, waiting for worms to be dug up, to have a nice meal. The jay can often be heard in the garden trees, though not always seen.
                                                               15 minute manifestation

The 'dawn chorus' sings every morning, even as the 'evening chorus' sings every night. Every bird had its own 'voice', even as we humans have our own 'voices'. I can't sing but love to humm along to a tune. And yet, when a bird sings, I just have to stop and listen, it is such a 'homely' sound.
                     LIVE AND LOVE LIFE !

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