Tuesday, March 10, 2020


                                                            15 minute manifestation

                           Dolphins Can !
They just belong in the water, the Oceans, the rivers. Have you heard them sing ? What a Beautiful sound and so Peaceful for the mind. Dolphins seem to be here on Earth to 'cheer' us humans up.
Born with a smile, dolphins seem so happy 'dancing' in and out of the water, singing as they go. These aquamarine mammals live in 'Pods' (or family groups), sometimes as many as 25 at a time. And these mammals, who are so sociable with other marine life, protect, love and care for each other (just as we try to do). They hunt and feed together. Mother stays with her young 'calf' and both are always surrounded and protected by others in the 'Pod.'
                                                                15 minute manifestation
Isn't it most people's dream to swim with dolphins? These are gentle swimmers, who are extremely strong, and who have been known to warn off sharks who would try to attack. Even as we 'warn off' predators to protect those we love, surrounding our loved ones with love and kindness, helping each other as we travel through the choppy seas of human history.

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