Friday, March 13, 2020


                                                               15 minute manifestation

Like the dog, the 'horse' is one of the oldest domesticated animals that have lived alongside mankind  for thousands of years. And like the cat, there are wild horses and domestic horses. As we no longer use the horse for travel (as in horse and cart), these divine animals are not such a large part of our lives (as they used to be). Yet, we still see them and not just in the zoo or in the picture books.
                                                               15 minute manifestation

When travelling through the countryside, we often pass a field with horses in. Each one has its own personality too. For those who have the privilege of working and living and looking after horses, they know only too well that this animal deserves and demands respect. They are bigger than us humans and have the strongest of spirits, and yet, they are quite happy to live alongside us humans.
                                                           15 minute manifestation

There are (and have been) over 150 breeds of horse. Some we know, some we have never heard of. All of them are special and beautiful in their own way.
                    "LIVE AND LOVE LIFE !"

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