Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Queen Mother

Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon

Mother of Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Consort to the late King George VI, the late Queen Mother is remembered for her moral support during the Second World War --- and for her longevity as she lived to be 101 years of age!

The Honourable Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon was born on 4th August, 1900, the fourth daughter to Lord and Lady Glamis. Like most young ladies of the time, Elizabeth was 'schooled' at home by governesses and learnt to speak French fluently by the age of 10. She passed the Oxford Local Examination with distinction at the age of 13.
When World War One broke out, her home, Glamis Castle, was used as a hospital and, although she was too young to be a nurse, Elizabeth did her best to keep 'Morale up', running errands for the wounded soldiers, going to the local shops for cigarettes, tobacco and chocolates.
Having grown up with the children of King George V, Bertie fell in love with Elizabeth. She loved him too but was very nervous about losing her freedom if she joined the Royal family, saying that she was: "afraid never, never again to be free to think, speak and act as I feel I really ought to." After three proposals, Elizabeth finally accepted Bertie and the young couple married at Westminster Abbey on 26th April, 1923. It was this Elizabeth who laid her wedding bouquet on the Tomb of the "Unknown Warrior."
Elizabeth toured, with her new husband, East Africa, visiting Aden, Kenya, Uganda and Sudan. Now came the two little Princesses, Princess Elizabeth was born in 1926, and her sister Margaret was born in 1930.
Her husband became King George VI and Elizabeth became his Queen Consort on 11th December, 1936. At the beginning of World War Two, it was mentioned to Elizabeth to leave London for North America or Canada for safety, but Elizabeth said: "The children won't go without me. I won't leave the King. And the King will never leave." When Buckingham Palace was bombed in 1940, she said: "I'm glad we've been bombed. It makes me feel I can look the East End in the face." Supporting her husband, Elizabeth would visit hospitals, the troops, factories and those areas that had been targeted. She seemed fearless in her support for her King and country!
After the War, Elizabeth joined her husband on a tour of South Africa (1947), but then the King became ill with lung cancer and the eldest daughter took over most of the Royal Duties. Elizabeth was tireless is looking after her husband when he was ill and when he finally passed away, she withdrew from public duties for a while, heartbroken, just like the late Queen Victoria.
However, her sense of duty was stronger and Elizabeth, now called the Queen Mother, became as busy as ever with Royal Duties, going to the Coronation of her eldest daughter, our Queen today, Elizabeth II.
 During her later years, the Queen Mother enjoyed overseeing the restoration of the remote Castle of Mey, which she used as a 'get away from everything' for 3 weeks in August and 10 days in October.
She loved horse-racing, owning several winners.
The Queen Mother died peacefully in her sleep on 30th March, 2002 and was laid to rest beside her husband, the late King George VI, at Windsor Castle.
At her own request, the funeral wreath was placed on the "Tomb of the Unknown Warrior", even as her wedding bouquet had been.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

King George VI

 "The Highest Of Distinctions Is Service To Others"

Father to our dear Queen, Elizabeth II, this man unexpectedly served our country through the Second World War. With the support of his wife and Consort, Elizabeth, George VI overcame hardships --- both physical and political --- to become the King we admire today.

Born Albert Frederick Arthur George, on 14th December, 1895, this little Prince was born at York Cottage, Sandringham. Within the family he was known as "Bertie" and to others, "Albert."  Bertie was the second son of George V and Victoria May (Mary of Teck). Being raised by a nanny, like most of the upper-class children of the day, his childhood was not an easy one, as Bertie developed a stammer when he was around 8 years of age plus he suffered having to wear painful leg braces to correct knock knees.

When Queen Victoria died, Bertie was now third in line to the throne.

Bertie fell in love with Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon and proposed three times before she accepted. They went on many tours for the King (George V) and had two beautiful Princesses, Elizabeth and Margaret, whilst living, quietly, at 145, Piccadilly, London.

Life now changed too quickly for the young family! King George V died in January, 1936, and King Edward VIII (Bertie's brother) abdicated in December of the same year. Bertie now became King George VI --- a life he never expected to live but met with real determination.

King George VI and Queen Elizabeth now saw England through the Second World War. They choice to stay in London, Buckingham Palace, and shared with the people the same dangers and deprivations, including food and clothing rationing. In fact, Buckingham Palace was bombed.

When the War was over, the whole Royal family stood on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, with Winston Churchill, and celebrated with the people the end of the war.
The stress of the War had drained King George and made him quite ill. He developed lung cancer and arterio sclerosis and Burger's disease. His married daughter, Elizabeth, and her new husband, Prince Philip, took over many of the "Royal Duties."
King George VI died of a coronary thrombosis at the young age of 56, on 6th February, 1952. His funeral was on the 15th at St.George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.
Prince Albert, "Bertie", became the King of England when he was not expected to and did an 'amazing' job! He was a loving and caring family man, and overcame so many hurdles to become the King to steer England through the Second World War.
To me personally, he was a very human King who restored the popularity of the British Monarchy.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Happy Halloween


Ok, I know, we've just had Xmas but how many of us love Halloween?
We get to dress up in fun costumes, play games, eat great food and watch 'scarry' movies. I have to be honest, it is my favourite time of the year!

But --- what is Halloween?

It's meaning goes back to 1745 and means 'Saints Evening' or 'All Hallows' --- "a celebration observed  on the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day." Also, it is said that it goes back to the ancient Celtic harvest festivals and was "Christianized" by the early church.

Well, whatever it's origin, it is great fun! Tick-o-treat / carving pumpkins / lighting bonfires / bobbing for apples.

It is interesting how witches and black cats and devils have become 'associated' with Halloween, when in fact, it was to celebrate the harvest --- a very human thing.

Now, please don't get me wrong, if someone believes that this is 'dangerous' then I do respect that --- if your faith gives you hope, please stay with it. It's just that I like to keep an open mind and enjoy the festivities that go with Halloween.

If you're interested in a more in depth study, click on Happy Halloween as it goes into the history of this celebration and the beliefs behind it.
As for me personally --- it's just great fun!

Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Birds Of The Oceans


The Dolphin is one of the most beautiful and lively creatures on this Earth. It sings beneath the Oceans and jump out of the waters to 'see' the world we humans live in.

The are so playful and yet in this way they communicate with each other. And they have the everlasting smile.

We can learn a lot from Dolphins!

Living in "pods" of 12 or more, dolphins are intensely social mammals that communicate with squeaks, whistles and clicks. They are warm blooded and so nurse their young, producing a single baby that stays with mother for up to 6 years.

Who wants to swim with dolphins?

There are 32 known species of dolphin, who share the Oceans of the Earth with us humans.

Let's make sure they are with us forever!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Are Tarot Cards Real ?


Tarot cards are very popular today. Whether we 'believe' in what they have to say or not, you and I are curious about them and whether anything they say will come true.
While it seems that each person who have Tarot cards have their own way of reading them, the cards themselves are real! All through the centuries, each card has it's own particular picture and its own meaning --- these two 'principles' never change!

The earliest known Tarot cards were found in Italy and these cards were first painted and used as playing cards. The cards were often painted for the wealthiest of families, for example, the Visconti family of Milan had a set painted which consists of several of the dukes and barons. Then the printing press was invented, and Tarot now became available to everybody.
The Rider-Waite Tarot deck is one of the most popular decks and is often used for 'teaching' beginners. A standard deck consists of 78 cards: 22 of the Major Arcana and 56 cards of the minor Arcana (sounds very much like the major and minor chords on a piano). Which ever deck you choose to work with, these basic cards never change. The pictures may be different but the actual names of the cards never change.
As with all things 'mystical', Tarot must be respected --- whether we believe in the cards or not. Dare I say it (and I hope I do not offend anyone), just like Ouiji, which very few will even touch, Tarot cards also must be treated with respect and care.
We are fascinated by the future --- what will happen? How will it happen? Will I have an easier life? Tarot cards do answer these questions, but of course, it is our privilege as to whether we believe in them or not. The cards reflect the trials and tribulations that we face every day today but they do give hope, there is an almost "Cheer up and keep going" feeling about them.

Tarot cards are extremely Positive !

And anything that helps us to stay Positive in this society, is worth looking into.


Sunday, January 17, 2021

The "Pack"


The "Pack"
We can learn so much from wolves!

They live so closely as a "Pack" (family) that it is impossible to break the pack. True, there is a dominant 'alpha' pair --- but some one needs to keep control. Siblings will babysit siblings, caring for their younger brothers and sisters.
When it's time to hunt --- the pack will hunt and feed together.

Have you heard a wolf howl?
Imagine hearing the whole pack !
As with all things within nature, we as humans can learn from "the Pack." Family or not, we are all part of the human family, struggling to survive within society and we do look out for each other. How many times have you offered the old lady your seat on the bus?
 Most of us try to be kind, caring and honest.

Have you seen how cautious a wolf is?
Yes, there are some 'strange' people about, but like the wolf, we too can be careful, looking after ourselves and our loved ones.

Like every animal on Earth, including ourselves, wolves have a permanent 'smile.'
So, Live and Love Life and Smile while you're doing it!

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Is Witchcraft Real?


I know we've just has Christmas, a quiet but fun one, but my favourite time of the year is Halloween (as you may have guessed from the title). It's so much fun, with its games, costumes, 'scarry' films and --- smashing food!

If you've been brought up in certain "Faiths," this is a taboo subject and images of old, ugly women bowing to a strange looking thing come into our minds, as we have seen these pictures many times in our lives. Whilst I respect all teachings on this Earth, I wanted to do a little research myself on this subject and to find out if there are any 'real' witches living today.
We all know the fairytale stories, whether from Disney or Grimms, and there is nearly always a wicked witch trying to hurt the beautiful, innocent princess out of sheer jealousy. Snow White has always been my favourite as it always reminds me of my mother (no, she was not a wicked stepmother!) as when I was about 5 years old, I remember holding her hand and watching Snow White go by in a float with the 7 dwarves. There was a poisoned red apple in the story and my mother always gave me red apples to eat (no, they were not poisoned!). It's just a very pleasant childhood memory that I have never forgotten --- 40-odd years later.

So, what do we actually know about "Witchcraft"?
We've been raised to believe that these 'women' turn into ugly looking things and ride in the sky on broomsticks, worshipping a devil. This belief was so real that at one point in human history, women were burned to death because people 'believed' this.
But I ask the question =
 have you ever seen anyone riding in the sky on a broomstick?
can a person really turn into another creature or is it just a 'magic trick'?
has anyone seen a devil?

Now, I'm not making fun of anyone who truly believes this, faith is needed in this world in which we live, and if your faith helps you to live everyday --- please stick with it !
I'm just trying to keep my own feet on the ground (please excuse the pun). I have personally met 'witches' and they look like everybody else --- they do not wear strange hats or carry strange things in their hands --- or eat strange food. They have Witchcraft in their lives because they believe it helps them in every day life.
And Witchcraft is a very Earthy faith as they do believe in herbs and crystals for healing.
Also, karma --- what you give out comes back!
It may be of interest to note that Witchcraft is now an official religion in the United States and Canada. I like this comment, from an actual witch herself: "the witch has done another magic trick, by turning from a fright into a figure of inspiration. She might show up in the form of your Wiccan co-worker, or the beloved musician who gives off a sorceress vibe in videos or onstage." (from Pam Grossman, the author of  "Waking The Witch).
Every person has a reason for choosing their path in life and witches are no different. Maybe they find peace and quiet in their tarot cards, candles and spells.

Whatever we believe in, as long as it gives us the help we need to live on this very unique planet --- the Earth --- it's worth respecting.