Sunday, January 24, 2021

Are Tarot Cards Real ?


Tarot cards are very popular today. Whether we 'believe' in what they have to say or not, you and I are curious about them and whether anything they say will come true.
While it seems that each person who have Tarot cards have their own way of reading them, the cards themselves are real! All through the centuries, each card has it's own particular picture and its own meaning --- these two 'principles' never change!

The earliest known Tarot cards were found in Italy and these cards were first painted and used as playing cards. The cards were often painted for the wealthiest of families, for example, the Visconti family of Milan had a set painted which consists of several of the dukes and barons. Then the printing press was invented, and Tarot now became available to everybody.
The Rider-Waite Tarot deck is one of the most popular decks and is often used for 'teaching' beginners. A standard deck consists of 78 cards: 22 of the Major Arcana and 56 cards of the minor Arcana (sounds very much like the major and minor chords on a piano). Which ever deck you choose to work with, these basic cards never change. The pictures may be different but the actual names of the cards never change.
As with all things 'mystical', Tarot must be respected --- whether we believe in the cards or not. Dare I say it (and I hope I do not offend anyone), just like Ouiji, which very few will even touch, Tarot cards also must be treated with respect and care.
We are fascinated by the future --- what will happen? How will it happen? Will I have an easier life? Tarot cards do answer these questions, but of course, it is our privilege as to whether we believe in them or not. The cards reflect the trials and tribulations that we face every day today but they do give hope, there is an almost "Cheer up and keep going" feeling about them.

Tarot cards are extremely Positive !

And anything that helps us to stay Positive in this society, is worth looking into.


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