Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Birds Of The Oceans


The Dolphin is one of the most beautiful and lively creatures on this Earth. It sings beneath the Oceans and jump out of the waters to 'see' the world we humans live in.

The are so playful and yet in this way they communicate with each other. And they have the everlasting smile.

We can learn a lot from Dolphins!

Living in "pods" of 12 or more, dolphins are intensely social mammals that communicate with squeaks, whistles and clicks. They are warm blooded and so nurse their young, producing a single baby that stays with mother for up to 6 years.

Who wants to swim with dolphins?

There are 32 known species of dolphin, who share the Oceans of the Earth with us humans.

Let's make sure they are with us forever!

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