Saturday, November 11, 2023

Would You?

 Would You?

"Don't let anyone rent a space in your head unless they're a good tenant."

Thankfully, mental health is becoming a 'reality' today.

The more we are learning about how the mind affects us physically, the more we are learning how to look after ourselves mentally (and it's not all pills).

The people we allow into our lives can also affect us mentally => either in a negative way or a Positive way.

Would you let him or her into your home?

Why is your mind any different?

Our minds are one of the most precious 'gifts' we are born with, and we must learn to treat 'it' as a gift.

We are careful who we let into our lives, we need to learn to be careful 'who we allow into our minds'.

Does he or she have a Positive effect on us mentally?


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