Monday, November 27, 2023

It's A Mental Thing

 It's A Mental Thing

“If we have the attitude that it’s going to be a good day it usually is”

When you first open your eyes in the morning, after a (hopefully) good night's sleep, what is the first thing you think about?

Your loved one? Your children? Work / school / college? Shopping? The Bill's?

Then, doesn't the day just run away with itself, out of your control?

If we could possibly train our minds to think Positive thoughts when we first open our eyes, the rest of the day will be in our Control.

“I slept well, I will have a good day!”

“Today, I will smile and be happy, no matter what happens.”

“I am happy to be alive on this Beautiful planet Earth.”

Such affirmations, when said over and over again, will eventually become natural thinking for us and will (personally) help us mentally.


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