Wednesday, November 1, 2023

It's A New Medicine

 It's A New Medicine

"Music can cure things medication never will"

How do you feel when you hear the dawn chorus first thing in the morning?

It starts the day off with a "calm" frame of mind.

The 'music' from the Earth is designed to heal us, both mentally and physically, and yet we are only just 'looking into' this new type of medication. 

It does make sense.

A lot of our medication is herbs put into pill form.

Music is becoming a new type of medication, as even a deaf person can "feel" the vibrations.

What type of music do you like?

Classical music put together with natural sounds of the Earth is the best 'medication' for my mind, and if you are able to watch or look at 'Earth scenes' at the same time, you are 'set up' to be able to face another day.


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