Monday, November 6, 2023

Grow Towards The Future

 Grow Towards The Future

"Growth is growth. No matter how small."

How true are these words !!!

We sometimes compare ourselves with others, and 'see' them moving forward, fast, when we 'think' we are moving slowly. 

It doesn't matter.

As long as we "are" moving, we "are" growing. 

And sometimes, it is better to move at a slower and cautious pace, than too fast and trip up or miss something.

When we watch plants and flowers grow, do we actually see them move? The flower is in bud one day, and when we go back and see it the next day, it is in full bloom, but did we actually 'see' the flower open up?

The same is true of ourselves. 

Sometimes, only we can see ourselves move, but => we are moving => growing => towards the Future.


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