Sunday, January 3, 2021



Like so many of us today, I have a constant fight with depression. We've all had those terrible experiences in our lives which have affected us for the rest of our lives. But, rather than dwell on the negative, I want us to focus on the POSITIVE.

One thing that has helped me personally (and still does) is looking at beautiful pictures of this planet we live on. The Earth has everything we need to help us and heal us And it costs nothing to open a book and look at beautiful and Peaceful pictures of our home.

 It is a medical fact that whatever we take into our minds, through our eyes, affects us mentally, which will affect us physically.
Meditating on this Earth and It's natural elements will bring "Magic" into our daily lives.

Smell the rose --- how does it make you feel?

Hear the waves from the Oceans --- how is your mind?

Our lives are so busy, our time taken up with family and work, that it seems that we live in an 'artificial' world, closed with no windows to look out of, just four walls and too busy to even lookup.
Life can feel like that --- young or old --- we are constantly worried about something.

LISTEN ! ! !
The birds sing in the morning and evening --- and usually --- during the day. When was the last time you or I stopped and listened to their beautiful little voices. The sound is so soothing to our minds, so Peaceful, quietening our emotions without us even realizing.

We can help ourselves, every single day, to stay POSITIVE and DETERMINED  to keep our lives as PEACEFUL as possible.
Click on the link "Live and Love Life" for some good ideas that we can use every single day of our lives.

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