Sunday, December 27, 2020

Motivational Studies

 What Motivates You ?

Every morning is a new day and a new beginning. Each day is a new start = to re-train the mind = mind-set is a skill!

Believe In Yourself!
Remember, it is up to YOU to keep going, to never say "I can't do this" but to say
"I CAN Do This!"
The greatest gift you can give to other people is a HAPPY You.

10 tips for Motivating Yourself
1 = set a goal, one you can reach
2 = plan ahead, what will you do tomorrow?
3 = track / write down your progress, this will motivate you to do your very best
4 = reward yourself every time you 'hit that goal', watch a movies / read a new book / eat a bar of chocolate
5 = remind yourself, write an email to yourself / write it in your planner --- what's the next step?
6 = surround yourself with people who "Motivate You"
7 = keep your work area tidy, a tidy desk is a tidy mind
8 = learn about people who Inspire you
9 = watch and listen to Motivation talks (Youtube / TED)
10 = listen to music which motivates you, builds up your mind, read Inspirational quotes.
Today is preparation --- for tomorrow!

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