Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Ragdoll

The Ragdoll is a cat breed with a colour point coat and blue eyes.

#   They are large and muscular semi-longhair cats with a soft and silky coat.
#   These cats are best known for their docile and placid temperament and affectionate nature.
#  Ragdolls live up to 15 years plus.
#   The Ragdoll Cat is gentle, calm and sociable. They are affectionate but not demanding. They are the perfect companion.
#   This is one of the quietest cat breeds, they generally only 'speak' when they need food.
#   These cats are very intelligent and can be 'trained.'
#   Like the Maine Coon, Ragdoll Cats are a large breed. Males weight up to 20 pounds while females can weigh up to 15 pounds.

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